P. 131
Graphic Tools
Did u know? Flyouts contain additional tools, or tool options.
The tools in the toolbox are discussed below:
Pick Tool: Selects objects or groups of objects. Once selected, you can use the Pick Tool of move,
stretch, scale, rotate and skew objects.
Shape Tool: Used to reshape objects by moving nodes, lines and control points.
Zoom Tool: Changes the current view of the drawing. You can also select magnification options
from the Property Bar in the Zoom mode.
Freehand Tool: Draws lines and curves. You can also use this tool to trace bitmaps.
Smart Drawing Tool: Converts the freehand strokes you draw to basic shapes and smoothed
Rectangle Tool: Draws rectangles and squares. Squares are created by using the Control key
while drawing.
Ellipse Tool: Draws ellipses and circles. Circles are created by holding down the Control key as
you draw.
Graph Paper Tool: Draws a collection of boxes that simulates a sheet of graph paper.
Perfect Shapes Tool: A collection of objects which you can add to your drawing. They include
such things as arrows, stars, talk bubbles, and flow chart symbols.
Text Tool: Adds either Artistic or Paragraph text to your drawing.
Interactive Blend Tool: The Blend Tool allows you to merger objects together through a series
of steps. The flyout gives access to several more interactive tools that are described on the
following pages.
Eyedropper Tool: The Eyedropper Tool allows you to select a color within an object, especially
a bitmap, and allows you to apply that color to another object. You can also capture the color for
a customized palette. The flyout gives access to the paint bucket that applies the color.
Outline Tool: Sets the outline style of an object or a line. This includes the line type, ends, color,
and weight. The flyout gives quick access to some changes.
Fill Tool: Assigns the fill style of any object. Fills are only visible on closed objects. The flyout
gives access to control dialogs for each type of fill.
Interactive Fill Tool: Allows you to apply Fountain fills (gradients) using the mouse. The flyout
gives access to the Mesh fill Tool.
Task Compare and contrast Freehand Tool and Smart Drawing Tool.
6.2.1 Property Bar
The Property Bar is located just under the Standard Toolbar. It is an interactive command center.
The options on the Property Bar change depending on the current task or command.