P. 11

Elective English—III

                    Notes          Litostalmost: A Czech expression referring to an painful realisation of one’s own misery.
                                   Mamihlapinatapei: The meaningful look shared by two people who desired to initiate something
                                   but were hesitant to do so, each expecting the other to start.

                                   Saudade: A Portuguese word meaning the longing for someone you love and lost.
                                   Schadenfreude: A German word referring to the pleasure derived from misfortune of others.
                                   Toska: Russian word for love-sickness.

                                   1.6 Review Questions

                                   1.  Write in detail about Geetashree Chatterjee.

                                   2.  Write a note on upcoming writers in India.
                                   3.  Analyse the story The Linguist.
                                   4.  Do you think that Nalini did the right thing in coming back to India? Explain.

                                   5.  What are the reasons Nalini’s fairy tale marriage with the linguist do not succeed? Elaborate.
                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.  False                             2.   True
                                   3.  False                             4.   True
                                   5.  False

                                   1.7 Further Readings

                                   Books       The Linguist by Geetashree Chatterjee, New Delhi
                                               The Illusion by Geetashree Chatterjee, New Delhi

                                               The Maamone by Geetashree Chatterjee, New Delhi

                                   Online links


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