P. 12

Jayatee Bhattacharya, Lovely Professional University      Unit 2: A Dream within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

             Unit 2: A Dream within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe                                  Notes


             2.1  About the Poet
             2.2  Writing Style
             2.3  Critics

             2.4  Discussion
             2.5  Role
             2.6  Major Themes
             2.7  A Dream within a Dream – Poem
             2.8  Explanation

             2.9  Analysis
                 2.9.1  Use of Literary Devices
             2.10 Summary

             2.11 Keywords
             2.12 Review Questions
             2.13 Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:

               Know about Edgar Allan Poe
               Understand Poe's life, works and his writing style
               Understand the major themes in Poe’s works
               Analyse the poem ‘A Dream within a Dream’


          Almost all the writers use some sort of inspiration to write their work, but what is their source
          of inspiration? Most of the people usually think that ideas or inspirations come to writers
          naturally. However, the fact is that writers have to get inspired or get ideas from somewhere.
          One of the most common inspirations for writers is their personal experiences and thoughts.
          Edgar Allan Poe, his writings took inspiration from his tragic life, his dysfunctional brain and
          the time he lived in. Poe was affected immensely by his tragic life.
          The poem A Dream within a Dream is one of the many masterpieces written by the acclaimed
          writer. In the poem, the poet is explaining the situation of bidding farewell to his love. It seems
          that his love is going away from him and he does not want her to go away.

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