P. 261
Social Stratification
Notes • Social mobility has no doubt enhanced in the past few decades due to education, migration,
modern occupations, technological advancements, political awareness and participation, and
reservation policy for the SCs, STs, OBCs, women, physically challenged, etc. Positional
change continues to be at a faster speed compared to basic structural change. The overall
system remains stable. Change is in the system, and not of the system. Resilience of the caste
system and reshaping of caste identities, reproduction of economic and educational means
and processes and hold of a select minority on positions of power do not allow the basic
structural change in Indian society.
12.5 Key–Words
1. Open system : An open system continuously interact with the environment.
2. Closed system : It is held to be isolated from their environment , which the subject is not
cut off from a society but weaved in social context.
12.6 Review Questions
1. What do you mean by open system of social stratification? Explain.
2. Discuss closed system of social stratification.
3. What is meant by social mobility in India? Discuss.
4. Write a note on open and closed systems.
Answers: Self–Assessment
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)
12.7 Further Readings
1. Sharma, K.L., 2010 : Perspectives on Social Stratification, Rawat Publication.
2. Sharma, K.L., 2010 : Social Stratification & Mobility, Rawat Publication.
3. Hasnain, Nadeem, 2011 : Indian Society and Culture Continuity and Change,
Jawahar Publishers and Distributors.