P. 126

Unit 7: Relational Database Design

                                 Figure  7.3: A  Ternary Relationship  Set

                         name                                      dname
                ssn                 lot                    did               budget

                       Employees            Works_In2            Departments

                             address         Locations       capacity

          All the available information about  the Works_In2  table is  captured by  the following  SQL
               CREATE TABLE Works_In2       (ssn      CHAR(11),
                                            did       INTEGER,
                                            address   CHAR(20),
                                            since     DATE,
                                            PRIMARY KEY(ssn, did, address),
                                            FOREIGN KEY(ssn) REFERENCES employees,
                                            FOREIGN KEY(address)REFERENCESLocations,
                                            FOREIGN KEY(did) REFERENCES Departments)

          The address, did, and ssn fields cannot take on null values. Because these fields are part of the
          primary key for Works_In2, a NOT NULL constraint is implicit for each of these fields. These
          constraint ensures that these fields uniquely identify a department, an employee, and a location
          in each tuple of Works_In.
          Translating Relationship Sets with Key Constrains: If a relationship set involves n entity sets
          and some m of them are linked via arrows in the ER diagram, the key for any one of these  m
          entity sets constitutes a key for the relation to which the relationship set is mapped. Thus we
          have m candidate keys, and one of these should be designated as the primary key.
          Consider the relationship set Manages shown in Figure 7.4. The table corresponding to Manages
          has the attributes ssn, did, since. However, because each department has at most one manager,
          no two tuples can have the same did value but differ on the ssn value. A consequence of this
          observation is that did is itself a key for Manages; indeed, the set did, ssn is not a key (because it
          is not minimal). The Manages relation can be defined using the following SQL statement:

                                 Figure  7.4:  Key  Constraint on  Manages

                         name                                    dname
                 ssn                lot                  did               budget

                       Employees             Manages           Departments

                                           LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY                                   119
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