P. 127

Database Management Systems/Managing Database

                    Notes              CREATE TABLE Manages         (ssn      CHAR(11),
                                                                    Did       INTEGER,
                                                                    since     DATE,
                                                                    PRIMARY KEY(did),
                                                                    FOREIGN KEY(ssn) REFERENCES Employees,
                                                                    FOREIGN KEY(did) REFERENCES Departments )
                                   A second approach to translating a relationship set with key constraints is often superior because
                                   it avoids creating a distinct table for the relationship set.
                                   This approach eliminates the need for a separate Manages relation, and queries asking for a
                                   department’s manager can be  answered without combining information from two relations.
                                   The only drawback to this approach is that space could be wasted if several departments have no
                                   managers. In this case  the added  fields would  have to be filled  with null values. The first
                                   translation (using a separate table for Manages) avoids this inefficiency, but some important
                                   queries require us to combine information from two relations, which can be a slow operation.
                                   The following SQL statement, defining a Dept. Mgr relation that captures the information in
                                   both Departments and Manages, illustrates the second approach to translating relationship sets
                                   with key constraints:
                                       CREATE TABLE Dept_Mgr        (did      INTEGER
                                                                    dname     CHAR(20),
                                                                    budget    REAL,
                                                                    ssn       CHAR(11),
                                                                    since     DATE,
                                                                    PRIMARY KEY(did),
                                                                    FOREIGN KEY(ssn)REFERENCES Employees)

                                     Notes       The ssn can take on null values.

                                   Translating Relationship Sets  with Participation Constraints:  Consider the  ER diagram in
                                   Figure 7.5, which shows two relationship sets, Manages and Works. In Every department is
                                   required to have a manager, due to the participation constraint, and at most one manager, due
                                   to the key constraint.
                                       CREATE TABLE Dept_Mgr(       did       INTEGER
                                                                    dname     CHAR(20),
                                                                    budget    REAL,
                                                                    ssn       CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
                                                                    since     DATE,
                                                                    PRIMARY KEY(did),
                                                                    FOREIGN KEY (ssn)REFERENCESEmployees,
                                                                    ON DELETE NO ACTION )

                                   Table constraints and assertions can be specified using the null power of the SQL query language
                                   and are very expressive, but also very expensive to check and enforce.

                                          Example: We  cannot enforce the participation  constraints on  the Works_In  relation
                                   without using these general constraint.

                                   To ensure total participation of Departments in Works_In, we have to guarantee that every did
                                   value in Departments appears in a tuple of Works_In.

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