P. 135

Database Management Systems/Managing Database

                    Notes          8.1 Normalization

                                   Normalization is typically a refinement process after identifying the entities, identifying their
                                   relationships, and defining the tables required in  the database and the  columns within each
                                   table. The starting point for the normalization process can be visualized as the universal relation.
                                   This relation contains all the attributes of interest, and is structured so that each tuple in the
                                   relation has single-valued element. Normalization results in the formation of tables that satisfy
                                   certain  specified constraints  and  represent  certain normal  forms.  Normal  forms are  table
                                   structures with minimum redundancy.
                                   E.F. Codd defined the first, second and third normal forms. A revised version of third normal
                                   form is given by Boyce and Codd, which is known as Boyce-Codd normal form. Fagin defined
                                   the fifth normal form.

                                   The process of splitting a relation to reduce the probability that anomalies will occur is known
                                   as decomposition. The  key  to going  about decomposition  is  logical  and methodical  way.
                                   Normalization reduces redundancy-using principle of  non-loss decomposition, which is the
                                   reduction of a table to smaller tables without any loss of information.
                                   Normalization is the  process of  refining the  design  of  relational tables  to minimize  data
                                   redundancy. Normalization consists of a series of rules that should be employed to make sure
                                   that the table is fully normalized by listing the functional dependencies and decomposing it into
                                   smaller, efficient tables. Normalization  eliminates data maintenance anomalies, minimizes
                                   redundancy, and eliminates data inconsistency.

                                                                     Figure  8.1

                                                           Unnormalized Tables

                                                            Normalized Tables

                                   Normal Forms

                                   Normalization is based on the concept of normal forms. A table  is said to be in a particular
                                   normal form if it satisfies a certain set of constraints defined for that normal form.
                                   These constraints usually apply to the attributes of the table and on the relationships among
                                   There are multiple levels of normal forms, each addresses a specific factor that could result in
                                   reducing data maintenance anomalies.

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