P. 218

Unit 12: Query Processing and Optimization

          Pipelining                                                                            Notes

          Evaluate operations in a multi-threaded manner, (i.e., passes tuples output from one operation
          to the  next parent  operation as input) even as the  first operation  is being  executed. In  the
          previous expression tree, it does not store (materialise) results instead, it passes tuples directly
          to the join. Similarly, does not store results of join, and passes tuples directly to the projection.
          Thus, there is no need to store a temporary relation on a disk for each operation. Pipelining may
          not always be possible or easy for sort, hash-join.
          One of the pipelining execution methods may  involve a buffer filled by the result tuples  of
          lower level operation  while, records may be picked up from the buffer by  the higher level

          Complex Joins

          When an expression involves  three relations  then we  have more  than one strategy for the
          evaluation of the expression. For example, join of relations such as:
                 STUDENT  MARKS   SUBJECTS
          may involve the following three strategies:
          Strategy 1: Compute STUDENT  MARKS; use result to compute result  SUBJECTS
          Strategy 2: Compute MARKS  SUBJECTS first, and then join the result with STUDENT
          Strategy 3: Perform the pair of joins at the same time. This can be done by building an index of
          enroll no in STUDENT and on subject code in SUBJECTS.
          For each tuple m in MARKS, look up the corresponding tuples in STUDENT and the corresponding
          tuples in SUBJECTS. Each tuple of MARKS will be examined only once.
          Strategy 3  combines two  operations into  one special-purpose  operation that  may be  more
          efficient than implementing the joins of two relations.

          12.6 Creation of Query Evaluation Plans

          Generation of query-evaluation plans for an expression involves several steps:
          1.   Generating logically equivalent expressions using equivalence rules
          2.   Annotating resultant expressions to get alternative query plans
          3.   Choosing the cheapest plan based on estimated cost.
          The overall process is called cost based optimisation.

          The cost difference between a good and a bad method of evaluating a query would be enormous.
          We would therefore, need to estimate the cost of operations and statistical information about
          relations. For example  a number of tuples, a number of distinct  values for an attribute  etc.
          Statistics helps in estimating intermediate results to compute the cost of complex expressions.

          12.7 Transformation of Relational Expressions

          Two relational algebraic expressions are said to be equivalent if on every legal database instance
          the two expressions generate the same set of tuples (order of tuples is irrelevant).

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