P. 179

Human Resource Management


                                     Case Study  Together no More

                                          ome of your key employees recently resigned. As per your system you conduct an
                                          exit interview before you formally release anyone, who submits resignation. In all
                                     Sthe cases, employees have assigned the reason for leaving as 'purely on personal
                                     grounds'. You have collected the personal data of all the employees from your HRIS.
                                     Personal inventory details  indicate, employees  are having  the following biographical

                                     (i)  Age-group            -     25 to 35
                                     (ii)  Job Experience      -     3 to 8 years
                                     (iii)  Nature of job      -     Marketing, HR, Information Technology

                                     (iv)  Qualifications      -     Graduate and above
                                     (v)  Hierarchical  level  -     Asstt. Manager and above.
                                     Further checking of performance records indicate, all these employees have consistently
                                     achieved their targets as per their KRAs for the last three years.
                                     You are also given the following additional inputs about the organisation:
                                     (i)  The company follows a well defined structured compensation plan for the employees,
                                          which, inter alia, follows a graduated time scale with provision for yearly increments
                                          within the scale. Even though compensation plan provides for extra increment for
                                          good performers, the company, to ensure principles of equity, dissuades from such
                                          practices, as in the past they had a problem with employees, for giving discretionary
                                          increments to some good performers. The company's compensation plan is integrated
                                          with their promotion policy. Any employee who successfully completes his tenure
                                          of five years in  a scale  with  at  least 80 per  cent  achievement of  their  KRAs  is
                                          automatically promoted to the next scale, with suitable change in the job title.
                                     (ii)  The promotion policy of the company is also well defined,  giving weightage to
                                          merit and seniority. Promotion  always succeeds transfer and  relocation,  as the
                                          company has  its units in different  parts of  the country. However, the company
                                          ensures  that  transfer  and  relocation  should not  prejudice  the  interests  of  the
                                          employees, at least in the material sense.
                                     (iii)  The company maintains an excellent culture of mutual trust and confidence with
                                          empowerment, total participation and complete freedom and functional autonomy.
                                     Some of its HR values are as under:
                                     (i)  Reward and recognise employees for taking risks and demonstrating creativity in
                                          support of organisational objectives.
                                     (ii)  Adopt and maintain a set of tenure, promotion and salary enhancement to recognise
                                          and reward those who meet and exceed the expectations.
                                     (iii)  Provide competitive compensation package to attract and retain talent.

                                     (iv)  Maintain an environment  to promote  teamwork, trust  and  transparency.  The
                                          company was awarded twice by the National HRD Network for best HR practices.
                                          Identify the issues that are likely to come up during the exit interview. Try to list out
                                          the possible feedback of the employees who are resigning.

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