P. 219
Human Resource Management
Notes 13.5 Trade Union
Trade unions are all organizations of employees, including those of salaried and professional
workers as well as those of manual wage earners which are known to include among their
functions that of negotiating with their employees with the object of regulating condition of
employment". British Ministry of Labour.
Trade union is a continuous and long duration workers organization which is meant for
attainment of specific objective to protect the interest of its members and for the improvement
of labour relations—Dale Yoder.
A trade union is the workers-organizations which is established by there collective activities to
the welfare of the members in social economic and potential interests and to keep them secured
and for improvement in it"—Edwin B.Flippo
13.5.1 Nature and Characteristics of Trade Union
1. The trade union is a continuing long-term association of workers. They are not temporary
or casual association.
2. Trade union may be an association either of the employees or of independent workers.
3. The union is essentially "a cooperative labour marketing association". It is an association
of workers who are engaged in securing economic benefit (sometimes social, political and
cultural benefits interest for their members).
13.5.2 Objectives, Function and Role of Trade Unions
1. To improve working and living conditions.
2. To offer responsive cooperation in improving levels of production and productivity,
discipline and high standard of quality.
3. To secure for workers fair wages.
4. To enlarge opportunities for promotion and training.
5. To promote identity of interests of the workers with their industry.
6. To cooperate in and facilitate technological advance by broadening the understanding of
workers on its underlying issues.
7. To promote individual and collective welfare.
8. To provide for educational cultural and recreational facilities.
9. To safeguard security of tenure and improve condition of service.
10. Installing in their members a sense of responsibility towards industry and community.
11. The unions are also expected to fulfill certain social responsibility like promotion of
national integration.
12. Generally influencing the socio-economic polices of community through active
participation in their formulation at various levels.
13.5.3 Advantages and Importance of Trade Unions
Trade unions are very important to labour, the industrialist society and country. Every group is
benefited by the presence of those groups. Benefits to different groups are as follows: