P. 29

Microeconomic Theory

                   Notes       2.10  Review Questions

                                 1.  Describe the Dynamic Equilibrium. Prove that from time to time, we can get equilibrium in our real
                                 2.  Describe the equilibrium and with the help of Cobweb Theorem, prove that we can get equilibrium
                                   in some given incidents.
                                 3.  Describe the differences between partial and general analysis and give details of general equilibrium.
                                 4.  Describe the differences between dynamic and static equilibrium. Give diagram and illustration to
                                   prove your theory.
                                 5.  “The equilibrium concept is the key in today’s economical analyses.” Describe it.

                               Answers: Self Assessment

                                 1.  Pure          2.  Dynamic        3.  Equilibrium
                                 4.  (a)           5.  (b)            6.  (c)
                                 7.  (d)           8.  (b)            9.  True
                                 10.  False       11.  False         12.  True

                               2.11  Further Readings

                                          1.   Microeconomics—Shipra Mukhopadhyay, Annie books, 2011.
                                          2.  Microeconomics: An advance treatise—S.P.S Chauhan, PHI Learning.
                                          3.  Microeconomics: Behaviour, Institutions and Evolutions— Sampool Bowels, Oxford
                                                                                             University Press, 2004.

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