Page 232 - DECO402_Macro Economics
P. 232

Unit-25: The Super-Multiplier of the Multiplier Accelerator Interaction

                   6.   Increase in income of period t + 1 is equal to the quantity of initial .................   Notes
                       (a) investment                  (b) disinvestment
                       (c) money                       (d) none of these

                25.2   Use of Multiplier Accelerator Interaction in Business Cycles

                With different values of MPC and accelerator, Multiplier- accelerator may give different results in
                form of cyclical ups and downs. Assume that MPC= 0.5 and accelerator co-efficient is 2. On previous
                concepts and initial investment given as  ` 100 crores, we will study this fact that how changes takes
                place in income. Table II clarifies this process of multiplication of income.

                    Task      Express your thoughts on super-multiplier or multiplier- accelerator interaction

                                      Table II: Multiplier Accelerator Interaction
                                                                                    ` Crore
                       Duration      Initial        Induced        Induced     Increase in
                         (1)       Investment     consumption     Investment     income
                                      (2)           (c = 0.5)       (v = 2)     (2 + 3 +4)
                                                      (3)            (4)           (5)
                     t + 0             0            0               0              0
                     t + 1            100           –               –              100
                     t + 2            100           50              100            250
                     t + 3            100           125             150            375.00
                     t + 4            100           187.50          125            412.50
                     t + 5            100           206.25          37.50          343.75
                     t + 6            100           171.88          –68.74         203.14
                     t + 7            100           101.57          –140.62        60.95
                     t + 8            100           30.48           –142.18        –11.7
                     t + 9            100           -5.48           –72.66         21.49
                     t + 10           100           10.75           33.20          143.95

                Above table reveals this that in period t + 1 increase in income is equal to amount of initial investment.
                This increase in income brings an increase of  ` 50 crores in period t + 2 (column 3) because MPC is 0.5.
                This increase in consumption induces investment of  ` 100 crores, on acceleration co-efficient being 2
                ` 100 crores = 50 × 2 (column 2), and income increases up to  ` 250 crores. ( sum of column 2 + 3 4 i.e.
                100 + 50 + 100 = 250) This increase in income again brings an increase of  ` 125 crores in consumption
                (column 3) which is half of  ` 250 crores because MPC = 0.5. But in period t, consumption is a function
                of income of previous period. Hence actual increase in consumption in period t + 3 is difference
                between consumption in period t + 2 and t + 3, i.e., 125 – 50 = 75. If this increase in consumption(  `
                75 crores)is multiplied with 2, the value of accelerator then, induced investment 150 = 75 × 2 (column
                4) is obtained in period t + 3. Hence in period t + 3, ` 375 crores, sum of columns 2 + 3 + 4 expresses
                increase in income. Similarly, in t + 4  ` 412.50 crores of income is produced. In this period, increase
                of income is the most which shows the peak of business cycle; after this income starts falling until it
                does not reach the bottom or the trough in t + 8 i.e. at  ` (–)11.78 crores. From period t + 9, it will start

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