P. 4


                                                              ÒØ’ «ÚæÂ
                                                         (Public Finance)


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                   •    The  aims  of  this  course  are  to  introduce  basic  concepts  of  public  finance,  particularly  in  the  context  of
                       macroeconomics policies, to the students. This course will provide students relevant theoretical methods to analyze
                       government public finance policies. The course will emphasize on application of advanced macroeconomic to
                       public finance.

                       Sr. No.                                        Topic

                      1          Meaning and scope of Public Finance; Principles of maximum social advantage;

                                 Issues related to economic activities of the public sector.

                      2          Instrument of public finance: concepts and role of budget; Public revenue: Revenue
                                 receipts and capital receipts.

                      3          Taxation and its cannons; Division of tax burden: Expediency theory.

                      4          Socio – political theory; Ability to pay theory; objective and subjective indices.

                      5          Incidence of taxes and the effects of a tax, Forward and backward shifting; Theories
                                 of tax shifting: the concentration theory; Diffusion theory.

                      6          Classification and choice of taxes: Direct and indirect, VAT; Effect of taxation on

                                 production and growth.
                      7          Public Debt: Meaning of public and private debt and its limitations; Public debt,

                                 economic growth and inflation.

                      8          Public expenditure: Meaning and nature of public expenditure, Wagner’s law of
                                 Increasing of state activities; Effects of public expenditure and economic

                                 stabilization; Public budget: Introduction, types.
                      9          Federal Finance: The rationale and principles; Indian Federal Finance: Historical

                                 background, financial federalism under constitution.
                      10         Finance Commission: Introduction, rationale.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9