P. 264

International Trade and Finance

                  Notes          24.1 WTO (World Trade Organization)

                                 The WTO came into existence on 1 January 1995 as successor to the General Agreements on Tariffs
                                 and Trade (GATT). Its genesis goes back to the post-Second-World-War period in the late 1940s
                                 when economies of most European countries and the US were greatly disrupted following the war
                                 and the great depression of the 1930s. Consequently a United Nations Conference on Trade and
                                 Employment was convened at Havana in November 1947. It led to an international agreement called
                                 Havana Charter to create an International Trade Organization (ITO), a specialized agency of the
                                 United Nations to handle the trade side of international economic cooperation. The draft ITO charter
                                 was ambitious and extended beyond world trade discipline to rules on employment, commodity
                                 agreements, restrictive business practices, international investment, and services. However, the attempt
                                 to create the ITO was aborted as the US did not ratify it and other countries found it difficult to make
                                 it operational without US support.
                                 The combined package of trade rules and tariff concessions negotiated and agreed by 23 countries
                                 out of 50 participating countries became known as General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):
                                 an effort to salvage from the aborted attempt to create the ITO. India was also a founder member of
                                 GATT, a multilateral treaty aimed at trade liberalization. GATT provided a multilateral forum during
                                 1948-94 to discuss the trade problems and reduction of trade barriers. As shown in Exhibit its
                                 membership increased from 23 countries in 1947 to 123 countries by 1994. GATT remained a provisional
                                 agreement and organization throughout these 47 years and facilitated considerably, tariff reduction.
                                 During its existence from 1948 to 1994, average tariffs on manufactured goods in developed countries
                                 declined from about 40 per cent to a mere 4 per cent. It was only during the Kennedy round of
                                 negotiations in 1964-67, that an anti-dumping agreement and a section of development under the
                                 GATT were introduced. The first major attempt to tackle non-tariff barriers was made during the
                                 Tokyo round. The eighth round of negotiations known as the Uruguay Round of 1986-94 was the
                                 most comprehensive of all and led to the creation of the WTO with a new set up of agreements.
                                 WTO vs GATT

                                 The distinguishing features of WTO vis-a-vis erstwhile GATT are as follows :
                                 •    GATT remained a ‘provisional’ agreement and organization throughout 47 years during 1948
                                      to 1994, whereas WTO commitments are permanent.
                                                  Exhibit : Multilateral Trade Rounds under GATT/WTO

                                   Year          Round name     Subjects covered                      Countries

                                   1947          Geneva         Tariffs                                  23
                                   1949          Annecy         Tariffs                                  13
                                   1951          Torquay        Tariffs                                  38
                                   1956          Geneva         Tariffs                                  26
                                   1960-61       Dillon         Tariffs                                  26
                                   1964-67       Kennedy        Tariffs and anti-dumping measures        62
                                   1973-79       Tokyo          Tariffs, non-tariff measures, framework
                                                                agreements                              102
                                   1986-94       Uruguay        Tariffs, non-tariff measures, rules,
                                                                services, intellectual property, dispute
                                                                settlement, textiles, agriculture, creation
                                                                of WTO, etc.                            123

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