P. 4


                                    Development of Learner and Teaching Learning Process

                       ·    To acquire knowledge about the diverse changes during various stages of human development.
                       ·    To acquaint themselves with the educational implications of various concepts of Psychology.
                       ·    To understand the nature and process of learning and the factors responsible for teaching-learning

               Sr.  Content

               1     Psychology:  Meaning,  nature,  branches  and  schools  of  Psychology;  Educational

                     Psychology:  Meaning,  nature  and  scope;  Methods  of  Educational  Psychology:
                     Observation, Experimental, Case Study.

               2     Growth and development –Meaning and Principles; Stage specific development: Infancy,

                     childhood and Adolescence; Learning: Meaning, Nature and Process; Nature of teaching
                     and learning, factors affecting teaching-learning process

               3     Theories  of  learning:  Thorndike’s  theory  of  learning  and  its  educational  implications,
                     Pavlov’s  classical  conditioning  and  its  educational  implications,  Skinner’s  operant

                     conditioning  theory  and  its  educational  implications,  Insightful  learning  theory  and  its

                     educational implications.
               4     Transfer of learning: meaning, types and strategies to achieve maximum positive transfer

                     of Learning; Motivation: Meaning, types and techniques of motivating learner.
               5     Intelligence:  Meaning,  nature  and  types,  Measurement  of  Intelligence,  Theories  of

                     Intelligence:  Unifactor,  Two  factor,  multifactor  theory,  SOI  and  their  educational

               6     Memory:  meaning,  types,  factors  influencing  memory;Forgetting:  Meaning,  types  and

                     theories of forgetting; the trace decay theory, interface theory and repression theory

               7     Individual  differences:  Meaning,  types  and  their  educational  implications,  Factors
                     influencing  individual  differences,  Personality:  Meaning,  nature  types  of  Personality,

                     Assessment of personality; Creativity: Meaning, concept and measurement;
               8     Mental  health:  Meaning,  definition,  factors  influencing  mental  health.  Stress:  Meaning,
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