P. 8

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University               Unit-1: Nature, Branches and Schools of Psychology

                       Unit-1: Nature, Branches and Schools of Psychology



                         1.1   Meaning of Psychology
                         1.2   The Scope and Methods of Psychology

                         1.3   Psychology is a Science
                         1.4   Branches of Psychology

                        1.5   Summary
                        1.6   Keywords

                        1.7   Review Questions

                        1.8   Further Readings


                   After going through this unit, the students will be able to—
                    •  Understand the meaning, scope and methods of Psychology.

                    •  Understand  Psychology is a Science.
                    •  Collect the information of various branches of Psychology.


                   Psychology is the study of human behavior. The basis of the study of Psychology is the micro study
                   of the inner mental incidents that takes place within a human mind. The human behavior is both
                   natural and acquired thus the two are studied in the scientifi c ways within the fold of Psychology.
                   Animal behavior is studied as well so that a comparison can be drawn between the human and the

                   animal behavior and the inferences drawn are conclusive. Various fields and techniques have been
                   developed to study human behavior.

                   1.1  Meaning of Psychology

                   The word Psychology has been derived from two Greek words—‘Psyche’ which means soul and
                   ‘logos’ which means study. According to the literal meaning of Psychology is a subject that studies

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