P. 13
Unit–1: Meaning and Nature of Educational Technology
Takshi Sakamato explained that educational technology mainly organizes three aspects—input, output Notes
and process and is trying to improve after developing them. B.C. Mathis calls educational technology
as the teaching array compositions, teaching methods and approaches and science and technologies.
Richmund (1970) has divided educational technology into three parts—
(1) Designing Appropriate Learning Situation (2) Realizing objectives of teaching or training (3) Bringing
best means of instruction
Davis considers that technical education and training as well as various learning resources are important
in the field of educational technology. Dr Bhargav has divided it into fi ve parts—
1. Learning and teaching process 2. Teaching array composition and learning paradigm and principles
3. Teaching and learning system 4. Operative research 5. Lesson planning.
The following topics were included in the Need based curriculum for B. Ed. courses in 1980 by M.P.
State Board of Teacher Education—
1. New concepts of educational technology—School broadcast, television, programmed instruction,
teaching machine and microteaching.
2. Non-projective teaching aids—Black-board bulletin board, chart, poster, graph etc.
3. Projective teaching aids—Development of fi lm strip, film, tape library etc.
4. Sources and use of Educational fi lm, film strip and tape-recording.
5. Agencies of educational technology.
Lumsdeine (1964), B.C. Mathis, J.D. Finn and Dececco etc. have divided the area of educational
technology into two parts. These are—
1. Hardware Educational Technology
2. Software Educational Technology or Educational Engineering
Summer Institute of Educational Technology organized by Indore University suggested to include Use-
ware Educational Technology in the areas of educational technology.
In 1971, Takshi Sakamoto represented the following types of areas of educational technology—
Areas of Educational Technology Content
I(a) Educational technology I(a) Educational technology I(a) is that branch which uses
audio-visual aids and teaching resources
I(b) Educational Technology I(b) Educational technology I(b) is related to appropriation
of the educational system, regaining of the receipt of
information and educational materials
II Educational technology II In this educational objective are obtained by teaching
and learning materials. It also uses Programmed
Learning Materials.
III Educational technology III It uses Human Engineering. The effect of the development
of desk, board, class, tape-recorder, television etc. can be
seen on educational behaviour.
Kulshrestha (1980) made his research in the form of detailed analysis and explained the displayed the
different areas of educational technology through his diagram
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Educational Technology 7 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 7