P. 173

Unit–20: Richard Suchman’s Inquiry Training Model

                   It has also proven useful in teaching the classes. The individual episodes of each subject cannot be   Notes
                   taught through this model. It is exactly used where a problematic circumstance. This model has proved
                   very useful in the development of mutual relations students.


                   1. State whether the following statements are True or False:
                      (i)  Richard Suchman is the originator of Inquiry training model.

                     (ii)  This method is not based on scientific perception and the scientifi c method.
                    (iii)  The main objective of this model is to develop the students’ cognitive skills.
                    (iv)  Teacher also directs students to ask only one question at the same time.
                     (v)  The model was developed for teaching physics.

                   20.3 Summary

                    •  This model is based on the scientific method and scientific concept which give training for scholarly

                       inquiry or investigation. The students are provided full freedom of inquiry. They are encouraged to
                       ask questions in a disciplined manner.
                    •  This model was developed in 1966. The initiator of this model Richard Suchman believes that children
                       are curious by nature and for the satisfaction of curiosity the experience joy while inquiring.

                    •  “The goal of Inquiry Training Model is to develop efficiency and skills in students for the analysis
                       of statics and inventions, so they can make their own interpretation of events and to search for them
                       and the correlation of the various elements in order to find the truth”.

                    •  This student’s inquiry continues until they reach the clarification of problem/event.

                   20.4 Keywords

                    •  Inquiry—Interrogation
                    •  Structure—Composition

                   20.5 Review Questions

                     1.  Who is the originator of Inquiry Training Model? What are the advantages of this model?
                     2.  Explain the major elements of Inquiry Training Model.
                     3.  Write the characteristics of Evaluation System.

                   Answers : Self-Assessment

                    1.  (i) True  (ii) False  (iii) True  (iv) False  (v) True

                   20.6 Further Readings

                              1.  Educational Technology—S.K. Mangal, P.H.I. Learning.

                              2.   Basic Premise of Educational Technology—Yogesh Kumar Singh .

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