P. 179

Unit–21:  ICT in Eductaion

                   Self Assessment                                                                          Notes

                   Fill in the blanks:
                       (i)  Simple audio visual aids such as the transparency and slides, tape and cassette recorders and
                          radio; video cassettes and television are referred to under the collective heading of .........................
                      (ii)  Computer and Internet based technologies are called the .........................
                      (iii)  In Online tutoring the student stays at his home and logs in to this tutor through the use
                          of ......................... and .........................
                      (iv)  In 2006 ......................... and ......................... developed computer based test in research methodology
                          and statistics.

                   21.3 Summary

                    •  Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are often associated with the most sophisticated
                       and expensive computer-based technologies.
                    •  ICTs are basically information-handling tools— a varied set of goods, applications and services that
                       are used to produce, store, process, distribute and exchange information.

                    •  IT was limited only to the textual mode of transmission of information with ease and fast. But the
                       information not only in textual form but in audio, video or any other media is also to be transmitted
                       to the users.

                    •  There are many teachers who are well known for the specific subject. Their lectures should be
                       digitalized and made available to all the users. It will enhance the quality of instruction in the
                    •  In Online tutoring the student stays at his home. He logs in to his tutor through the use of Internet
                       and software.

                   21.4 Keywords

                    •  Conventional: Traditional and Ordinary
                    •  Ambiguity: Something has more than one possible meaning
                    •  Transparency: The characteristics of being easy to see through

                    •  Infrastructure: The basic systems and services

                   21.5 Review Questions

                     1.  What do you mean by ICT?
                     2.  Explain the need and Importance of ICT.
                     3.  Discuss the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
                     4.  Explain the use of ICT in Evaluation.
                     5.  How ICT can be used in Online Tutoring?

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