P. 182

Educational Technology

                          Notes       In learning process, different audio instruments are used to achieve different objectives in different
                                      (1) Radio—Radio has become so closely linked to the indivual’s life that radio and man can’t be

                                                The origin of radio revolutionised every fi eld.

                                      Education sector has not been spared from the effects of the radio. Radio is an important means of
                                      connecting remote people to the events of the world. Radio has important role in providing the latest
                                      information to students. Speeches of educationists and other scholars are broadcasted on the radio,
                                      everyone takes advatages of this. Dates of educational lesson broadcast are broadcasted very early. So
                                      priciples of school and other teacher related to the subject have the prior knowledge of educational
                                      programmes. Besides educational programme, radio is an important instrument for entertainment.
                                      Famous artists can be heard on the radio and their art can be studied. We can listen a speech or education
                                      lesson again and again with the help of radio.
                                      Radio broadcasting can be done in two ways—
                                       (i) Ordinary Broadcast—In this broadcast, general information is given about normal conditions and
                                       (ii) Educational Broadcast—These broadcast are prepared especially for students. These are done to
                                           achieve the educational objective of broadcasted lessons.

                                      22.1.2 Preparing Students and Teachers for Radio Lessons

                                      Before organizing radio lessons in class, teacher needs to prepare students and himself to listen radio
                                      lessons. Preparing students and himself refers to—
                                        1.  Students should be taken to that classroom which is related to the subject to be broadcasted. For
                                          example, if radio lesson is related to Geography then radio lesson broadcasting should be arranged
                                          in the geography classroom. Other topics will follow the same pattern.
                                        2.  Students should be prepared mentally for listening radio lesson.
                                        3.  Useful material related to the subject should already be arranged in order to understand the radio
                                        4.  During radio lesson broadcasting students should be seated in front of the radio properly.
                                        5.  Teacher should collect and study available literature related to the educational lesson. This literature
                                          study includes list of programmees and time-table etc.
                                        6.  On the basis of collection of information of available literature related to the radio education lession,
                                          teacher should plan carefully to broadcast lesson by combining it with his teaching.
                                        7.  Teacher should encourage students to listen radio broadcasting carefully and with interest.
                                        8.  Geographical circumstances should be taken into consideration in order to listen radio broadcasting.
                                          There should be proper arrangement of radio set, spacious area to sit, light and wind. There should
                                          be complete silence in the class while radio lesson is being broadcasted.
                                        9.  There should be a follow up after radio lesson broadcasting. There should be a discussion on lesson.
                                          Students must get opportunities to clear their doubts. During broadcasting, teacher should provide
                                          opportunities to students in order to solve their doubts by themselves.

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