P. 187

Unit–22:  Radio, Television and CCTV in Learning

                    (3)  Interview—It is very effective. There are two sides. One who takes interview and another who gives   Notes
                       interview. The person who takes the interview comes with already prepared question. With these
                       programmemes, a variety of personals can be brought closer to the audience.
                    (4)  Panel or Forum—In such programmemes, a team of experts discuss on a subject which includes
                       elements of controversy or variations of subject or ideas. People included in the panel can have
                       different views. It does not require any script but narrator should be experienced. This format of
                       the programme develop the thinking ability of students.
                    (5)  Quiz—Such programmes also have two sides—quiz master and some participants. There are
                       some supporters of quiz master. Quiz asks some questions from participants and they answer
                       it. Audience can also participate in this programmes. Audience can participate by answering
                       through post.
                    (6)  Drama—This format is popular over both the television and radio. It is more diffi cult to perform
                       drama on a television. Artists have to learn all the conversations in television drama. It is diffi cult
                       to perform complex situation through drama. It is expensive to design television drama.
                    (7)  Actualities—By television, students can be exposed to actual events or educational events. Students
                       can remember the things they have learnt for long time. If the actual events are to be shown more
                       caution should be exercised. It is very expensive to collect these events in remote areas
                    (8)  Simulated Classroom—In this programmemes, a simulated class-room is prepared and education
                       activities are completed inside it. This format of the programmes is cheap and easy. It requires

                   22.2.3 Use of Television in Classroom Teaching

                   The audio-visual instrument has been used very extensively in classroom teaching. Following steps are
                   followed while using television in classroom teaching—
                    (1)   Preparation—In the first step, the unit that has to be performed has been planned comprehensively.

                       In this plan it is decided that what, when and in what conditions, episode will be displayed to
                       students. There is a department of audio-visual training in the education department of every
                       state which broadcasts the available list of video-films. These lists are available in the school

                    (2)  Presentation—In this step of presentation, teacher should watch the television programmeme before
                       displaying it to the students in the classroom. There should be complete discipline during broadcast.
                       Students write the notes on their notebooks while watching programme.
                    (3)  Follow-up—Broadcast is discussed in this step. Students can clarify their doubts. The feedback
                       arrangement of broadcast programmeme is also done.

                   22.2.4 Educational Utility of Television

                   Utility of television has revolutionised the educational sector. Following are utilities of television in
                   educational sector—
                    1.  Difficult episodes can be easily explained to the students by the use of television. Information on all subjects

                       such as music, art, agriculture, language, health, education can be provided to student by television.
                     2.  Information on innovative researches can be obtained through this which can be useful for both the
                       teachers and students.
                     3.  Patriotism among students can be created by television broadcasts. Additionally, the feeling of
                       national unity, patriotism, brotherhood, tolerance etc. can be developed in children by showing them
                       various national days, religious and social gatherings programmemes.

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