P. 190

Educational Technology

                          Notes       22.4 Summary

                                       •  Radio and other audio instruments play an important role in teaching, especially for literature
                                       •  Radio is an important means of connecting remote people to the events of the world.
                                       •  Famous artists can be heard on the radio and their art can be studied. We can listen a speech or
                                          education lesson again and again with the help of radio.
                                       •  Television has moved ahead many steps from radio. We can only hear voice over the radio while over
                                          the television we can hear voice as well as can see the picture of a person and his activities clearly.
                                       •  Television entered in India on September 15, 1959 by a trade fair at New Delhi in which its utility
                                          was performed. After the September 15, 1959, television service was formally inaugurated in India.

                                       •  Closed circuit Television broadcast is only confined to classrooms or school buildings, therefore it is
                                          called as Closed Circuit Television. Relay reaches the T.V. or monitor through a co-axial cable. These
                                          programme are either broadcasted directly or broadcasted after being recorded.

                                      22.5 Keywords

                                       •  Radio—Instrument which receive frequency signals
                                       •  Limitations—Shortcomes

                                      22.6 Review Questions

                                        1.  Highlight the Audio recording instrument.
                                        2.  What are the advatages of radio lessons? Write its limitations.
                                        3.  Explain the development of educational television.
                                        4.  Explain the types of television programmes.
                                        5.  What do you mean by CCTV? Write its major characteristics.

                                      Answers: Self-Assessment
                                      1.  (i) Contribution     (ii) Mentally  (iii) Population  (iv) Follow-up  (v) Events
                                      2. (i) (a)         (ii) (b)       (iii) (c)
                                      3. (i) True         (ii) False      (iii) True

                                      22.7 Further Readings

                                                 1.  Educational Technology—S.K. Mangal, P.H.I. Learning.
                                                 2.   Basic Premise of Educational Technology—Yogesh Kumar Singh.

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