P. 203

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University   Unit-24: E-Pedagogy, Web 2.0 Technology and Virtual Laboratories

                           Unit-24: E-Pedagogy, Web 2.0 Technology and

                                             Virtual Laboratories


                        24.1   Pedagogy

                        24.2   What is Pedagogy?
                        24.3   Towards the E-Pedagogy

                        24.4   A New Pedagogy and Learning Style

                        24.5   What is Web 2.0 Technology?
                        24.6   Virtual Laboratories

                        24.7   Summary
                        24.8   Keywords

                        24.9   Review Questions
                        24.10  Further Readings


                   After studying this unit, students will be able to:

                    •  Know the pedagogy.
                    •  Understand the web 2.0 technology.
                    •  Have the knowledge related to virtual laboratories.


                   Teaching practice has changed during the last century. Supporters of the change argue that this
                   learning environment has changed fundamentally.
                   Pedagogy is Greek word which have the meaning ‘ leading a child’.
                   Web 2.0 technology is designed to create web sites and application with the purpose of online
                   information or material. Information can be transmitted online through this technology.
                   Virtual Laboratories System refers to such class in which educational circumstances are organized
                   by using modern computer and communication or other resources such as Internet, online chatting,
                   world wide web etc.

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