P. 284
ftfdne seBhe Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University
B'N fJekJh^28L w?E/fNe; gq'rqkfwzr
(Mathetics Programming)
ftP/ t;s{ (Contents)
T[d/P (Objectives)
ikDekoh (Introduction)
28H1 w?E/fNe; dhnK nt;EktK (Conditions of Mathetics)
28H2 w?E/fNe; dhnK gqw[Zy ftP/PsktK ns/ ;zpzXs ekoi^gqDkbh
(Characteristics of Mathetics and Related Work-System)
28H3 w?E/fNe; gq'rqkw dh gqfefonk (Work of Mathetics Programme)
28H4 w?E/fNe; :'iBk dhnK ;hwktK (Limitations of Mathetics Programming)
28H5 ftfGzB :'iBktK dh s[bBk (A Comparison of Different Types of Programming)
28H6 :'iBkpZX fBod/P d/ bkG (Advantages of Programmed Instruction)
28H7 :'iBkpZX fBod/P dhnK ;hwktK (Limitations of Programmed Instruction)
28H8 :'iBkpZX fBod/P d/ T[g:'r (Uses of Programmed Instruction)
28H9 :'iBkpZX fBod/P dh io{os (Need of Programmed Instruction)
28H10 ;ko nzP (Summary)
28H11 Ppde'P (Keywords)
28H12 nfGnk; gqPB (Review Questions)
28H13 ;zdoG g[;seK (Further Readings)
T[d/P (Objectives)
fJ; nfXnkJ/ d/ nfXnB d/ pknd ftfdnkoEh :'r j'Dr/^
w?E/fNe; dhnK nt;EktK B{z ikDB ;zpzXh.
w?E/fNe; dhnK gqw[Zy ftP/PsktK ns/ ;zpzXs ekoi^gqDkbh B{z ;wMD ftZu.
w?E/fNe; gq'rqkw dh gqfefonk dh ikDekoh ;zpzXh.
w?E/fNe; :'iBk dhnK ;hwktK B{z ikDB ftZu.
ikDekoh (Introduction)
w?E/fNe; gq'rqkfwzr ftef;s eoB dk ;fjok E'w; n?cH frbpoN B{z j?. w?E/fNe; Ppd :{BkBh
GkPk d/ „w?EhB‟ Ppd s'A fBefbnk j? fi; dk noE j?^f;ZyDk. w?E/fNe; dk Gkt^;w{j d/
ifNb fttjko d/ ftPb/PD ns/ g{BofBowkD ;zpzXh g[PNheoD d/ f;XKsK d/ T[; ftt;fEs
gq:'r s'A j? fijVh ftPk^t;s{ ftZu fBg[zBsk dZ;dh j?.
“Mathetics is defined as a systematic application of reinforcement theory to the
analysis and construction of complex repertoires which represent the mastery in
subject matter”.