P. 124
Guidance and Counseling
Notes (v) Evaluate the guidance programme in cooperation with staff to determine and promote its
effectiveness and evolve measures to strengthen it still further.
The Radhakrishnan report (1942) recommended the title of Dean of student welfare
for a coordinating agent on Indian Colleges and university campuses.
10.5.2 The Role of Dean
The Education commission (1964-66) also recommended the appointment of a Dean of student
welfare for the administration of complex and many sided student welfare services. Since personal
guidance is one of the important student welfare services. The Dean has to ensure its effectiveness.
He can contribute his share to this programme in a number of ways :
(i) Establish rapport with students through personal contacts, public address system, group
meetings, written communication etc.
(ii) Organise and administer services such as orientation for new students, financial aid to the
needy, remedial services etc.
(iii) Coordinate the various student activities so that every activity gets adequate time and finances.
(iv) Keep a two directional relationship with all student services and activities. The first is to
encourage, support and coordinate, including representation of and to the vice chancellors
and principles in colleges. Secondly he must receive information from the directors of different
services etc.
(v) Assist the university in understanding the needs and problems of students, guiding the youth
in rational behaviour and in giving positive guidance to their future plans and aspirations.
(vi) Create confidance in the students so that they confide in him. He should be the main helper of
the students.
10.5.3 The Role Guidance Officer
The guidance officer is the narve centre of the guidance programme - be it a university or a college.
He should be a guided minded person with at least a year’s full time Course in Guidance and
Counseling from a University. He should have a well - balanced lavable personality, a broad outlook,
an understanding attitude a genuine interest in helping students.
The personal guidance officer have functions
(i) Arrange orientation programmes for the teachers to enlist their cooperation.
(ii) Arrange orientation programme for freshers and also for those passing through the transition
(iii) Prepare the upto date list of the resources informational, referral and energy available to hair
and proper method for calling on each particular resource and classify and fill the information
(iv) Organise the guidance committee.
(v) Display the information collected in an attractive way.
(vi) Disseminate the information through educational and career talks, group discussions etc.
(vii) Arrange talks by experts from different fields.
(viii) Organise career days, career weeks, career conferences parents days etc.
(ix) Educate students regarding proper study habits and assist them in their development.