P. 14
Guidance and Counseling
Notes (iii) to help him grow consistently in ability to adjust himself creatively to his developing life
(iv) to assist the individual to grow consistently in ability to live with others so effectively that
he may promote their development and his own worthy purposes.
(v) to help him grow in self-directive ability.
Thus the goal of personal guidance is self-directive and self realisation.
This three-fold division of guidance illustrating its scope should not be taken to form watertight
compartments, but it is more a matter of practical convenience for making the concept clearer. There
is no real difference among the problems to which the different types of guidance services are
Mathewson while discussing the focus and scope of guidance programme has very aptly stated that
the focus of guidance is improving the capability of the individuals to understand and deal with
self-situational relations in the light of social and moral values. The scope of guidance operation in
school is to deal with :
— personal and social relations of the individual in school.
— relation of the individual to the school curriculum, and
— relation of the individual to the educational and vocational requirements and opportunities.
Self Assessment
2. Fill in the blanks:
(i) ........................... is a specialised service whose primary concern is with the individual and to
help them to solve their problems.
(ii) According to ........................... “Guidance services have a much wider scope and function
than merely that of assisting students in making educational and vocational choices.
(iii) Personal guidance deals with the personal adjustment to his ............... and .............. problems.
(iv) The ........................... guides the individual to learn, to adjust on self to the physical and social
(v) Guidance in ........................... is comparatively a new field of education and is used as a
technical term as a specific meaning.
(vi) Guidance is one of the ........................... which are getting important day by day.
1.4 Summary
• “Guidance is an assistance made available by personally qualified and adequately trained men
or women to an individual of any age to help them manage their own life activities, develop
their own points of view, make their own decisions, and carry out their own burden”.
• Guidance is help, assistance, and suggestions for progress and showing the way.
• Guidance as a Specialised Service whose primary concern is with the individual and to help
them to solve their problems and take appropriate decisions in their choice-points.
• By now, you have understood that guidance is a helping service. Guidance is by its very nature
a self-oriented, problem solving and multifaceted activity.
• Guidance is one of the student personnel services which are getting importance day by day.
Student personnel services are non-instructional and non-administrative functions of the school.
The classroom teaching and the administrative functions of the Principal are not considered
student personnel services.