P. 19
Unit 2: Guidance: Goals and Principles
• Testing and interpretation will be implemented. Notes
• The program will be evaluated annually.
Responsive Services
• The responsive services area of the guidance program consists of activities needed to respond
to the individual needs of students. Usually these are student or teacher initiated requests for
services in personal concerns. These concerns may require implementation strategies such as
parent or teacher consultation, personal counseling, cries counseling or appropriate referrals.
• Students will be able to process and resolve personal concerns.
• Student will be able to identify problem areas, evaluate alternatives, consequences, and make
decisions on what action to take.
• Students will be able to utilize services from outside agencies.
• Students evidencing need will receive appropriate intervention.
2.3 Purpose of Guidance
Guidance is to help one to adjust to abilities, interests and needs of the society. In other words
guidance means helping a person to develop in the desired direction and to orient him/herself
according to the needs and demands of changing times and society.
The purpose of guidance at elementary school level is focussed on assisting pupils to integrate
such primary groups forces as the home, the school, religion and the peer-relationships. These are
the forces which form the base for the students’ adolescence, then blend those forces into a harmonious
At secondary school level it is centrally focussed upon differentiating aspects of these forces as they
effect the pupils knowledge, acceptance, and direction of him/herself, Secondary guidance services
have as their focus the assistance given to the students to develop themselves according to their
potentialities and opportunities in the area of educational planning, career choice, interpersonal
relationships and interpersonal acceptance.
Thus the purpose of guidance is to improve the capability of the individual to understand and deal
with self-situational relations for greater personal satisfaction and social usefulness which includes
students, teacher, parents, etc.
Contribution to students
(a) To help them understand themselves by knowing more about their abilities, aptitudes, interests
and limitations.
(b) To get along better with other people and understand the world in which they live.
(c) To get the most out of school by gaining information regarding career, subjects, etc.
(d) To explore their own interests, abilities, learn about various aspects of the world of work and
learn to make most of their abilities.
(e) In recognizing gifted and slow learners and students having special needs and helping them
to develop proper attitude and make maximum use of their potential ability.
Aid to the teacher
1. Guidance offers opportunities to increase teachers’ understanding of their students through in
service education programmes carried on by the guidance person. The school counselor assists
in administering in testing programmes and in familiarizing teachers with the interpretation
of the tests. These test results give information which assists teachers to better understand
their students’ classroom behaviour and performance.