P. 20
Guidance and Counseling
Notes 2. Data on students’ special interests, capabilities and past experiences are provided on the
cumulative record by the guidance faculty. Knowledge about students’ physical condition,
medical history, family background, scholastic record, scores on standardized tests, personal
characteristics, etc help the teacher to provide better instruction to the student.
3. Beneficial to the parents:
To give clearer perception of the child’s intelligence, abilities, interests and potentialities, the
programme helps the parent know, understand and accept the child , as he/she is.
4. To assist the total community population towards better mental health.
5. Help the entire school in many ways. e.g. by aiding students in their choice of courses by
counseling on the basis of their interest and aptitudes. Give administration information on
those aspects of the school programme which relate to the educational career and personality
development of the students.
Self Assessment
1. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’.
(i) School guidance program should be provided to only higher and prestigeous family childern.
(ii) The individual planning area of the guidance program involves guidance and counseling
functions that help students formulate their own life career plan.
(iii) The responsive services area of the guidance program consists of activities needed to respond
to the individual needs of students.
(iv) Guidance offers opportunities to increase teachers understanding of their students through
inservice education programmes carried on by the guidance person.
(v) Guidance slows down the capability of the individual to understand and give social instability.
2.4. Goals of Guidance
The aims of guidance are the same as those of education in a democratic society like ours. Just like
education, guidance services are also based on the principle that the individual is of crucial importance
in an educational institution.The aims of guidance lend emphasis and strength to the educational
programme and make it more dynamic, Specifically the aims of guidance may be laid as follows
from the individuals point of view :
1. To help the individual, by his own efforts as far as possible to realise his potentialities and to
make his maximum contribution to the society.
2. To help the individual to meet and solve his own problems and make proper choice and
3. To help the individual to lay a permanent foundation for sound and mature adjustment
4. To help the individual to live a well-balanced life in all aspects-physical, mental, emotional
and social.
5. Providing the psychological support
6. Adjustment and resourse provision
7. Problem solving and decision making
8. Improving personal effectiveness
9. Insight and understanding
10. Self actualization
11. Achievement of positive mental health