P. 24

Guidance and Counseling

                   Notes            (iii) Guidance process is a ................. and ................. process.
                                    (iv) ................. are collected in guidance programme.

                                  2.6. Summary

                                  •   All people from time to time need assistance in determining alternatives, making decisions,
                                      and developing a course of action.
                                  •   School guidance programs should be provided to all students regardless of race, creed, sex,
                                      ability, achievements  or aspirations; and that every individual is important and to be respected
                                      for his/her individual differences.
                                  •   Individual counseling should be made available to each student as needed and that the
                                      counseling relationship remain confidential unless the counselor has approved release of the
                                      information or in emergency situations to protect the individual or others.
                                  •   The guidance programme should three major areas: career planning and exploration, knowledge
                                      of self and others, and educational/vocational development and career development, including
                                      effective employment-seeking and employment-retention skills.
                                  •   Individual Planning: The individual planning area of the guidance program should involves
                                      guidance and counseling functions that help students formulate their own life-career plan. Goals
                                      and objectives in this area are usually delivered on an individual or small group basis.
                                  •   System Support: The system support area of the guidance program consists of activities that
                                      are not necessarily direct counseling functions, but that are related to guidance and counseling
                                      and that help the school’s programs run efficiently and purposefully.
                                  •   Management activities help maintain and improve the guidance program.
                                  •   Administrative assignments will be carried out as needed for the maintenance of the school.
                                  •   Responsive Services: The responsive services area of the guidance program consists of activities
                                      needed to respond to the individual needs of students. Usually these are student or teacher
                                      initiated requests for services in personal concerns.

                                  •   Guidance is to help one to adjust to abilities, interests and needs of the society. In other words
                                      guidance  means helping a person to develop in the desired direction and to orient him/herself
                                      according to the needs and demands of changing times and society.
                                  •   The purpose of guidance at elementary school level is focussed on assisting pupils to integrate
                                      such primary groups forces as the home, the school, religion and the peer-relationships. These
                                      are the forces which form the base for the students’ adolescence, then blend those forces into a
                                      harmonious whole.
                                  •   At secondary school level it is centrally focussed upon differentiating aspects of these forces as
                                      they effect the pupils knowledge, acceptance, and direction of him/herself, Secondary guidance
                                      services have as their focus the assistance given to the students to develop themselves according
                                      to their potentialities and opportunities in the area of educational planning,  career choice,
                                      interpersonal relationships and interpersonal acceptance.
                                  •   The aims of guidance are the same as those of education in a democratic society like ours. Just
                                      like education, guidance services.
                                  •   the aims of guidance may be laid as follows from the individuals point of view :
                                     1. To help the individual, by his own efforts as far as possible to realise his potentialities and
                                        to make his maximum contribution to the society.
                                     2. To help the individual to meet and solve his own problems and make proper choice and
                                     3. To help the individual to lay a permanent foundation for sound and mature adjustment.

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