P. 25

Unit 2: Guidance:  Goals and Principles

            •   From the point of view of the institution the aims of guidance can be stated as follows:  Notes
               (i) The guidance programme should encourage and stimulate teachers towards better teaching.

              (ii) The programme should aim at providing assistance to teachers in their efforts to understand
                  their students.
              (iii) It should provide teachers with systematic technical assistance and in-service training
            •   In order to organize a guidance programme successfully, it is essential to understand the
                principles along with the meaning of guidance upon which the guidance process is based.
            •   Some principles are common. The principles, convincing to all, are as follows:
               (i) Study of an Individual and Evaluation: In the guidane programme, unless and until correct
                  information regarding every person is not collected, it is impossible to run this programme.
              (ii) Evaluation of Guidance Programme: The guidance programmes being run in the schools should
                  be evaluated from time to time. The success of guidance programme should be explored in
                  the form of changes brought about as a result of guidance. If such changes are not seen, then
                  the entire programme would be considered ineffective.
              (iii) Reponsibility of Skilled Workers: In the guidance programme, the specific problems of the
                  persons are tried for solution. Its responsibility should be of skilled workers otherwise there
                  will be a question mark on the success of this progaramme.
              (iv) Responsibility of Teachers and Principals or Headmasters: The responsibility of guidance
                  programme should not be of teachers only but it should also be shared by the principal or
              (v) Advantage of Guidance: The benefit of guidance should be given not only to those who demand
                  it directly or who express its need.
              (vi) Guidance by a Trained Person: In order to accomplish guidance process, the entire responsibility
                  of guidance should be of a  trained person so that this programme can be executed after
                  contacting the related persons and departments.
             (vii) Flexible Programme of Guidance: Variations among the needs of an individual and society are
             (viii) Responsibility of Teachers and Principals or Headmasters: The responsibility of guidance
                  programme should not be of teachers only but it should also be shared by the principal or
              (ix) Advantage of Guidance :  The benefit of guidance should be given not only to those who
                  demand it directly or who express its need.
              (x) Guidance by a Trained Person: In order to accomplish guidance process, the entire responsibility
                  of guidance should be of a  trained person so that this programme can be executed after
                  contacting the related persons and departments.
              (xi) Guidance should be related to All Aspects of Pupil’s Growth: The process, of guidance should be
                  related to all the aspects of the pupil’s progress instead of some specific field.
             (xii) Part of Total Eduational Process: Guidance should be considered as a sub-process of total
                  educational process.
            2.7. Keywords

            Planning      :  The act or process of making plans for something.
            Individual    :  Connected with one person.

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