P. 141

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University               Unit 12: Counseling: Principles and Counseling Process

                 Unit 12: Counseling: Principles and Counseling                                      Notes


             12.1 Principles of Counseling
             12.2 Counseling Process
             12.3 Stages in Counseling Process
             12.4 Factors used in Counseling
             12.5 Summary
             12.6 Keywords

             12.7 Review Questions
             12.8 Further Readings

            After reading this unit students will be able to:

            •   Describe the principles of Counseling
            •   Discuss the Counseling process
            •   Describe the stages in counseling process
            •   Explain the factors used in Counseling


            The Counseling Process:  Counseling, as a process, has been defined variously by authors and
            professors for nearly fifty years. While no single definition has stood the test of time, most contain
            some reference to difference in role of the student (who is to be assisted or helped) and the counselor
            (who is more experienced, frequently older, and has as his function to help). Also, mention is
            generally made of the objective or goal in terms of improved adjustment, higher functioning, and
            greater happiness. Finally, focus is usually placed upon the process involved, the learning that
            occurs, and the assistance that is given.
            Four basic assumptions must be accepted if Counseling is to be successful. First, it is assumed that
            the student is willing to participate in the process. He may have a concern, a wonderment about the
            world around him, or curiosity about what he is experiencing. While the process may be unfamiliar
            to him and he may display resistance at moments, counseling will not be successful unless he
            participates fully.
            Second, the counselor must posses appropriate training, experience, and personal attitudes to function

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