P. 62
Guidance and Counseling
Notes 6.4 Nature of Educational Guidance
The nature of educational guidance is stated in the following terms :
(1) Educational Guidance is Administered to Students : Out of the many problems that the
students is often faced with, there are some that he fails to solve of his own accord, and they
do not even admit of any fruitful assistance from the teachers or the parents. Solution of
these problems calls for the intervention of the specialist, and this specialist is none other
than the psychologist.
(2) Intended for Educational Selection : One part of the student’s education consists in making
a variety of selections, the first of them being the kind of college or school in which he
would like to be educated. Another problem that confronts him is the choice of the subjects
that he wishes to study.
(3) Rendered for Adjustment in Education : A student finds a peculiar atmosphere in the college,
the like of which he cannot find outside, and he has to adjust himself to his atmosphere.
This atmosphere is a composite of his friends, teachers, daily routine of the institution,
method of teaching, curriculum, subjects taught, extracurricular programmes, etc. This
environment is the same for every individual students, whatever his personal capability or
drawback. One student finds the teaching tertribly dull while his more enterprising partner
runs away from school. Another child might find himself tired most of the time while
another is constantly bored stiff. Some of them indulge in systematically destroying discipline
while others turn of crime and delinquency.
(4) Making Education as Child-Centred : It is the educational guidance which makes the
educational process as child-centred. The selection of courses and instructional stratigies are
used according to the need and requirement of child.
6.5 Objectives of Educational Guidance
The scope of educational guidance, as we have said above, is as wide as that of educations with
a number of objectives. Some of the objectives which as minimum programme of educational
guidance should achieve are given below :
1. Assisting students in understanding the purpose and the function of the school in relation to
their needs.
2. Assisting students in discovering all that the school has to offer and plan a programme of
studies accordingly. These objectives can be achieved through an orientation programme.
3. Assisting students in discovering their strengths and weaknesses : their assets and liabilities.
How much ability do they possess to learn ? If they take up work much beyond their ability
to learn they are likely to meet failures and frustrations. If they take up work much below
their ability, their will be loss of human resources as their potentialities remained under
utilised / unutilised.
4. Assisting students to discover themselves, i.e., their interests aptitudes, attitudes and, other
personality characteristics. Knowledge of one’s scholastic aptitudes is necessary for planning
and educational career in much the same way as knowledge of one’s vocational aptitutdes
is necessary to make a choice of vocation. These objectives can be achieved through
psychological testing or non standardised tools of guidance, e.g., anecodotal record, case
history, autobiography, rating scales, teacher observation.
5. Assisting students in discovering educational opportunities in the school. The same is true
of occupational openings as well.
6. Assisting students in gathering information about cocurricular activities that are being carried
out in the school.