P. 166
Educational Management
Notes Applying real numbers to the PERT formula, the result is as follows, where A (optimistic time) = 7
weeks; M (most likely time) = 11 weeks; B (pessimistic time) = 15 weeks :
(or T, expected completion time)
Once the expected time is computed, the critical path is established. The PERT network considers all
potential variables, thus quantifying the scheduling and planning of the project. In a comprehensive
view of PERT, it becomes clear that despite the fact that some steps of the process are independent,
the next step will depend on the successful completion of prior steps.
Another key to PERT is to analyze and revise the data owing to a constant state of flux. Factors
influencing project management take many forms, including personnel, materials, equipment and
facilities, utilities, and environmental conditions. For example, absenteeism, sickness, vacations,
and even strikes can affect personnel supply, or sudden changes in climatic conditions (snow, flooding
from rains, etc.) may have an environmental impact. Various methods have been established to
adjust the PERT network in order to allow for unpredictable situations. In recent years, computers
have provided one major means of network analysis and revision, especially on larger projects.
Computers are significantly useful for computations of the critical path and slack time. Smaller
networks can generally be managed with manual computations and are usually developed, evaluated,
and revised without great difficulty.
The circles are then connected with lines to indicate the relationship between the tasks. CPM use has
become more widespread than the use of PERT applications.
13.4 Advantages of PERT
PERT has advantages as well as disadvantages, but time has seemingly not diminished its
applicability. Planning a major network reveals potential problem areas and interdependent events
that are not so obvious in conventional project development methods. One advantage is the three
time estimate process, again useful in identifying difficulties as well as more effective interrelated
processes. When utilizing the latest computer applications to PERT networks, managers have
additional benefits with which to plan. A final advantage is the use of what is termed the management-
by-exception principle, whereby data accumulated and analyzed by various means can be applied
to the planning and execution of a major project. When managers have used PERT in integrated
project management, experience gained is reapplied to future projects, especially in developing bids
for project estimates. When appropriate costing techniques are implemented with PERT networking,
the project sponsors realize significant financial benefits.
13.5 Disadvantages of PERT
The PERT/cost system was developed to gain tighter control over actual costs of any project.
PERT\cost relates actual costs to project costs. Job cost estimates are established from an activity, or
a group of activities on the basis of a time network. Labor and nonlabor estimates are developed for
the network targeting the control of time and costs and identifying potential areas where time and
cost can be traded off—all aimed at more effective, efficient project management.
As with all aspects of business, the Internet has become a powerful tool with respect to PERT.
Managers can now locate PERT applications on the World Wide Web and apply them directly to the
appropriate manufacturing project. In most instances, PERT diagrams are available that eliminate
the estimating process and make PERT a more useful and convenient tool.
Clearly PERT is a manufacturing-based project planning and scheduling network. In many instances,
managers have attempted to apply PERT principles to other types of projects, including hospital
planning for such issues as costs and social security, educational planning and development.