P. 193

Unit 15: Participation of Stakholders in Educational Management

               4. For making human relations appropriate, he should have sympathetic and helpful attitude  Notes
                  towards his subordinates. He should not conduct the evaluation with the viewpoint of
               Establishment of Human Relations : The most essential condition of success of headmaster is
               this that he should establish appropriate human relations with his colleagues, subordinates,
               students and their guardians and the other members of the society. For this, he should keep the
               following points in his mind :
               1. The headmaster should recognise his colleagues personally. Along with he should know
                  about personality of each of them. Only by doing so, he would not establish appropriate
                  human relations with them, notwithstanding he could get willing co-operation of them also.
               2. The headmaster should endeavour to seek maximum participation form all the persons. For
                  this, he should involve utmost member of his colleagues in decision-making, by doing so
                  they would not come in his contact only but they would realise their responsibility also in
                  each matter and perform that in a suitable manner.
               3. The headmaster should do development of policies and processes of school on the co-operative
                  basis. By this, he could establish proper human relations with his associates and students
               4. The headmaster should develop faith, affection and feeling of respect in his associates and
                  subordinates, students and guardians.
               5. The headmaster should strive continuously for the development of self and his colleagues.
            (4) Guidance and Motivation
               Guidance function of a headmaster is of recent origin. He is expected to provide educational
               and vocational guidance :
              (1) The students in the selection of the subjects at the secondary stage, leading to suitable vocations
                  after the school leaving stage.
              (2) The students in their day-to-day activities and instructional work.
              (3) The teacher in organising teaching and other activities, in making a deeper study of their
                  subjects, and in solving specific problems of discipline, backwardness, teaching etc.
              (4) The parents in supervising the education of their wards, in planning their education according
                  to their abilities and aptitudes.
              (5) The higher authorities matters of curriculum, text-books, school organising, framing of
                  educational policies and other educational problems are supervised.
               Out of all these tasks, educational and vocational guidance is of utmost necessity, although it is
               neglected so far. The headmaster must reconvene meetings of the staff for purposes of planning
               educational guidance and organising a full-fledged guidance programme. He should start a
               guidance unit in the school and appoint the necessary staff for guidance.
               The guidance unit must provide not only curricular and vocational guidance but also personal
               guidance to those young children who lack adjustment. For this purpose he may have to seek
               help from the psychologists and other organisations. The headmaster shall have to act as a
               liasion between the school guidance unit and the Slate Guidance bureau, employment officers
               and other organisations.
               Every headmaster has to extract work form his colleagues this he cannot do smoothly and
               effectively through and autocratic attitude. He has to motivate his subordinates to work
               conscientiously and enithusiastically The headmasters has to create motivating situations
               prompting. Others to accomplish the task for attainment of the full goal. For this purpose, he is
               expected to human skill, besides technical skill. The human skill will mean ability to motivate

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