P. 233
Unit 17: Educational Supervision: Meaning, Nature and Types
(viii) Improving Morale of Teachers : Morale refers to a specific mental state of an individual. It is Notes
an attitude towords the achievement of a goal. If the individual feels and says that he can
achieve the goal, it is inferred that his morale is high.
(ix) Generating Favourable Learning Climate : Climate refers to the psycho-social characteristic
of the environment. These characteristics greatly influence learning of students and teaching
by teachers. These characteristics have been variously named as socio-emotional climate,
social interaction, inter-personal relations, environmental ethos or thrust.
17.8 Keywords
• Supervisor : a person who supervises something.
• Inspector : a person whose job is to visit schools, factories etc.
• Potential interaction : that can develop into something or be developed in the future.
17.9 Review Questions
1. Define the term “Supervision”.
2. Why is the need of supervision
3. Explain the nature and scope of supervision
4. Explain the different types of supervision.
5. What are the functions of supervision.
Answers : Self Assessment
1. (i) Supervision (ii) Laissaz-faire (iii) Democratic leadership style
(iv) Coersive (v) leadership (vi) Guidance
17.10 Further Readings
1. The Principles and Practice of Educational Management: Tony Bush, Les Bell,
SAGE Publisher, 2002.
2. Educational Management : Strategy, Quality, and Resources, Margaret Preedy, Ron
Glatter, Publiser Open University Press, 1997.
3. Educational Management: Theory and Practice, J.A. Okumbe, Publisher Bairobi
University Press, 1998.