P. 179

Unit 13 : Interpretation of Test Scores : Qualitative and Quantitative

            As in any such table, the limits of each category were arbitrarily determined. These and similar  Notes
            categories are intended to serve only as guides in the interpretation of intelligence quotients and
            for purposes of statistical classification and analysis.
            There are a number of problems associated with the interpretation and use of the IQ that are
            explained in later sections of this and other chapters. Our purpose at this stage is primarily to
            define and explain the meaning of the concept.

                        The use of this index was first suggested by Stern (17) and Kuhlmann (12) in 1912;
                        but it was not actually employed as part of test findings and reports until 1916 when
                        the first edition of the Stanford-Binet scale was made available.

            13.1.5 Deviation IQ
            The “deviation IQ” is an adaptation of the standard score (z) technique. The method of determining
            the deviation IQ can be shown by using the Wechsler test’s procedure as an illustration. For each
            individual, the raw score is converted into a weighted score by using a conversion table. The
            mean weighted score of the group is given a deviation IQ value of 100; the standard deviation of
            the scores is equated with a deviation IQ value of 15. Thus, a person whose point score places him
            at — 1 SD will have a deviation IQ of 85. One whose score is at —2 SD will have a rating of 70.
            Similarly, positive SD values will give ranks above 100 : +1 SD equals 115 deviation IQ; +2 SD
            equals 130; and so forth.
            The 1960 revision of the Stanford-Binet scale also uses the deviation IQ, calculated by a different
            method; but the  basic principle is the same. The principle is that an individual’s intelligence
            quotient should be determined by the relative extent to which his score on the test deviates from
            the mean of his age group, and that an intelligence quotient of a given value should have the
            same relative significance throughout the age range. These ends are now achieved by using units
            of standard deviation as the basis; hence the name of the new index.
            Making the mean score equal to a deviation IQ of 100 is readily understandable, since this value
            has long been conventional and is accepted as representing the average or normal. It also appears
            that the most probable standard deviation of intelligence quotients is 15-16, as found with the
            Stanford-Binet (which in many ways is regarded as a criterion); hence 15 has been taken to
            represent the standard deviation of the newer index. The choice of this value, therefore, was not
            an arbitrary one. Furthermore, the distribution yielded by a standard deviation of 15 points is
            very similar to the one to which psychologists and educators have become accustomed, and in
            which values at each of the several levels have acquired qualitative significance in regard to
            mental ability and educational promise.
            The deviation IQ, furthermore, is especially useful at age levels above 16 or 18 years. For these
            and older persons, the use of mental age and the formula for the ratio IQ (MA/CA) have been
            regarded as inappropriate and questionable by many psychologists. (This aspect of mental age is
            discussed in Chapter 10.)
            It should be clear, from the materials thus far presented, that percentiles, standard deviations,
            standard scores, and intelligence quotients are intimately related. Whatever index is used, its
            principal significance is found in the relative rank it represents and in its psychological, educational,
            and vocational connotations.
            Although the primary purpose of this section is to define and explain these concepts used in
            psychological testing, it is relevant here to emphasize the qualitative aspects of these indexes.

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