P. 297

Unit 26: Achievement Test: Concept, Types and Construction

            An achievement test is one designed to measure a student’s grasp or knowledge of his proficiency  Notes
            in certain skills.                                                         —Ebel
            At present, the teaching objectives are determined as changes in the cognitive, conative and
            affective domains of the students. So, the achievement tests should be defined in the following
            way :
            The tests which are constructed to measure cognitive, conative and affective changes occurring as
            a result of teaching school subjects, are called achievement tests.

            26.2 Aims of Achievement Test

            The achievement tests are used in schools for the following functions :
            (1)  To select the students for admission.
            (2)  To classify the students.
            (3)  To encourage the students.
            (4)  To promote the students.
            (5)  To issue certificates on the basis of public examinations and results.
            (6)  To evaluate educational problems.
            (7)  To evaluate teaching work of the teachers.
            26.3 Types of Achievement Test

            The common meaning of a test is to examine the traits of an object, person or activity. But in the
            field of education, tests are meant by those tools and methods by which the measurement of
            mental abilities and educational achievement of the students is carried out. These tests have their
            own definite form. In these tests questions, related to the mental ability or educational achievement
            to be measured, are asked which the students reply or related problems are presented to which
            the students respond. The mental abilities and educational achievement of the students are
            measured on the basis of these answers and responses. The main mental ability tests are—
            intelligence tests, aptitude tests and personality tests; and the main educational ability tests are
            — achievement tests and diagnostic tests. We can define educational tests briefly in the following
            words :
            Educational tests are those tools and methods of measurement of various abilities of the students
            in which related questions about measurable ability are asked and of which the students have to
            answer and related problems are presented to which the students have to respond.

            Classification of Educational Tests
            The tests being used in the field of education are classified in different forms :

            (I)  Classification on the Basis of the Field of the Tests
                On the basis of measurement field, the tests can be divided into two classes as follows :
                1.   Educational Tests : Educational tests are those tests by which educational achievements
                     and educational problems of the students are measured; such as—achievement tests and
                     diagnostic tests. They have been discussed in the related chapter in detail.
                2.   Psychological Tests : Psychological tests are those tests by which mental abilities of the
                     students are measured; for example—intelligence tests, aptitude tests and personality
                     tests. They have been discussed in the related chapters in detail.
            (II) Classification on the Basic of Nature of the Tests
                On the basis of the nature of the tests, they have been divided into three classes—oral, written
                and practical.

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