P. 118

Teacher Education

                   Notes          11.4.2 Refresher Courses
                                  The refresher courses are of three week duration constituting 108 contact hours for  serving  teachers
                                  of  Universities  and  Colleges.  Interaction  programs  for  research scholars and Post-Doctoral
                                  fellows are introduced recently under this scheme. Purpose of these programmes is to provide a
                                  platform to exchange experiences with their peers and mutually learning from each others, it also
                                  helps teachers/research scholars to keep abreast of the latest advances in various subjects.
                                  Completion  of  one  Orientation  course  is  pre-requisite  for  participation  in  a refresher course.
                                  Attending these programmes is linked with the career advancement of teachers  in Universities and
                                  Colleges. There are  two  types of  refresher courses viz., Subject specific and interdisciplinary or
                                  Multidisciplinary refresher courses. Besides subject  specific  courses;  issues  like  social  evils,
                                  aspects of cultures,  economics, human rights,  gender  issues,  developmental issues,  human
                                  values,  research methodologies  in various  disciplines  are  offered  as  interdisciplinary  refresher
                                  courses. For organizing refresher  courses  concerned  teaching  department(s)  is  involved.  One
                                  teaching  staff member is designated as Coordinator from the concerned department to help academic
                                  staff  college  in planning  and  organizing  the  course. As in case of Orientation course various
                                  activities are included in teaching-learning process. At the end of the programme participants are
                                  evaluated and grades are awarded.
                                  11.4.3 Short term orientation / workshops
                                  Each ASC organizes one or two meetings of 2-days duration in a year for principals/ Heads/
                                  Deans/Officials of Collegiate Education/administrative officers including UGC officials with an
                                  objective to:
                                      (a) familiarize them with the philosophy and importance of orientation programmes and
                                         refresher  courses  and  persuade  them  to  depute  teachers;  and make  them understand
                                         the activities of ASCs; and
                                      (b) enable them to understand their new roles as supervisors;
                                      (c) facilitate  reforms  in  higher  education  through  appropriate  modification  of  management
                                         systems at various levels.
                                      (d) make them aware of quality issues in higher  education  system, trends in global education
                                         sector; new government initiatives and reforms in higher education, advances in
                                         information technology,  e-learning,  e-content development, human rights issues, value
                                         based education etc.

                                  14.4.4. Programmes initiated in XI plan
                                  (i)  Professional Development  programmes  for Senior Teachers  like Associate Professors and
                                      To encourage their participation in professional development programmes, new pay
                                      commission has given certain points as incentive for their career advancement.
                                  (ii)  Professional development programme for Non–academic Group B and C staff including UGC
                                      Academic  Staff  Colleges  are  offering  professional  development programmes of 6 days
                                      duration for non-academic staff since 2007 to give them training/exposure  to  aspects  of
                                      higher  education  its  management  apart  from training in aspects like IT and its applications
                                      in administration, office procedures, quality  aspects,  new  trends  in  examination,  finances,
                                      legal  issues  etc.  This programme is meant for middle level officials in colleges and universities.

                                          What is refresher course?

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