P. 220

Teacher Education

                   Notes             • Carry out the processes involved in the project, namely, analysis, synthesis, application,
                                        decision making, problem solving, etc.
                                     • Stick to time schedule prescribed for the project.
                                     • Secure help and guidance from the teacher throughout the implementation stage.
                                  (iii) Reportindpresentation stage: The student is expected to carry out the following tasks at the
                                      reporting stage:
                                     • Interpret information and use materials properly.
                                     • Draw appropriate conclusions.
                                     • Compile an effective project report.
                                     • Present the report, product, procedure, decision or solution effectively.

                                          What is the role of a student in project work?

                                  Types or Modes
                                  Computer assisted instruction can take a variety of forms as detailed below for providing self-
                                  individualized instruction to a learner depending on the computer services availed.
                                  1.  Informational Instruciton: It helps the learner get the desired information he needs. Here
                                      the computer can serve the role of an enquiry officer, to respond to the student's enquiry
                                      with answers it has stored. It provides minimal interaction between the studnet and the
                                      computer programme. The sole purpose of this type of CAI is to provide essential
                                      information for the acquirement of concepts and skills.
                                  2.  Drill and Practice Programmes: CAI provides the learner with different types of drill and
                                      practice programmes covering specific topics related to a particular subject. Through these,
                                      the services of computers can be properly availed for providing practice in something
                                      already learned in some other way. It helps in the development of a veriety of skills.
                                  3.  Tutorial Type Computer-assisted Instruction: In this typ0e of CAI, the computers are engaged
                                      in actual teaching. Here they can play effectively the role of a tutor by maintaining a perfect
                                      interaction and dialogue with the effectively the role of a tutor by maintaining a perfect
                                      interaction and dialogue with the individual students.
                                  4.  Educational Games Types: In it, the learners are provided with a variety of well=desirgned
                                      computer games. these games should not be confused with academic type games. Their
                                      purpose is only to provide intellectual challenge, stimulation of curiosity and serve as a
                                      source of motivation to the individual learner.
                                  5.  Simulation type of Instruction: Simulation is used as a technique for providing training to
                                      the students. Such type of instructional activities provide powerful learning tools to them.
                                      With the carefully prepared programmes, the students are made to face real or idealized
                                  6.  Problems-solving Type: This type of computer-assisted instruction focuses on the process of
                                      finding an answer to a problem rather than the answer itself. Here, the students are provided
                                      with programmes that can make them think about th ways and means of solving the
                                      problem systematically.
                                  7.  Practical Work-oriented Instruciton: CAI programmes cfan provide valuable help in
                                      supplementing laboratory and other practical work.
                                  8.  Learning Affairs-managing Type: In this type of instructional activities, the computer-assisted
                                      programmes provide valuable help in managing and supervising the learning affairs of
                                      trhe students

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