P. 224
Teacher Education
Notes 24.2 Nature of Group-Controlled Instruction
Both the teacher-controlled instruction and the learner-controlled instruction are effective modes
of instruction mainly for cognitive and skill development of individuals. In these mode, of
instruction the individuals develop a feeling of competing with one another, defeating one
another. It spoils the innocent fun of children and of young students. It also does not educate
students on how to lead a harmonious life in the society. Therefore. it is important to suppledent
these two modes of instruction with group-controlled instruction. It develops the power of
expression. critical thinking, tolerance, belongingness, trust, team spirit, habit of helping each
other, etc. Thus, GCI can help prepare knowledgeable and skilled humanbeings who could support
a society with democratic values leading to harmonious life, prosperity and happiness.
In Indian classrooms today there is lot of emphasis these days on cognitive development due to
the instructional procedures adopted in the schools. This is mainly because we depend heavily on
teacher controlled instruction methods such as lecture, demonstration, etc. Due to this, the
development of certain skills in students remains ignored. Therefore, it is essential. that group-
conirolled instruction be organised in schools. You may be keen to know what is this Group
Controlled Instruction (GCI). Let us understand the concept of Group-Controlled Instruction
(GCI) more closely before we discuss the procedures to organise Group-Controlled Instruction
(GCI) at the school level.
Types of Group-Controlled Instruction: Considaring the nature of activities organised under
group controlled instruction, GCI can be divided into two broad categories. viz., group interactive
sessions and activities involving team work. However, this classification should not create a
feeling in you that activities which
Group Controlled Instruction
Group Interactive Group Activities
Sessions Involving Team-work
involve team -work do not. have any interaction. These activities also have interaction. It is only
the emphasis of interaction and team work and the nature of instructional activities on the bases
of which classification i.s based.
In group interactive sessions, students make a presentation on some topic and discuss it in a
group. Through intraction, they acquire the ability to clearly express their views, critically examine
others' views, and tolerate others' views and reactions. Thus, students develop their expression
power, tolerance, critical thinking, ability to argue without causing offence. Group activities
involving team work develop the ability to work in teams. They also develop the spirit of
togetherness, belongingness, trust and cooperation.
Group controlled instruction provides deeper understanding of knowledge through
participation in group work including discussion.
Self Assessment
1. Fill in the blanks
(i) ................... is based on the fact that every member of the group activity participates in the
instructional activity.
(ii) Group controlled instructions provides ................... of knowledge through participation in
group work including discussion.
(iii) It is essential that group controlled instruction be organised in ................. .
(iv) It is important to supplement the two modes teacher controlled instruction and ....................
with group controlled instruction.