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Unit 3: Types of Teacher Education—In-service, Pre-service, Distance
3.1.1 Definitions of In-service Training Notes
In-service teacher education has variously been defined by different teacher Education Theoreticians.
According to M.B. Buch, a former Director of the Department of field services, “In-service education
is a programme of activities aiming at the continuing growth of teachers and educationl personnel
It may be regaded as the sponsoring and pursuing of activities which will bring new insight,
growth, understanding and co-operative practices to the members teaching profession and arouse
them to action to improve themselves in every possible manner.
In-service education may regarded—as including all activities and experiences participated in by
the educational personnel in education during their services. These activities are planned and
organized by various agencies to help the educators to improve as persons and to mature as
3.1.2 Need and Importance of In-service Education for Teachers
Though it is implied in the above discussion, why do we need the in-service teacher education
programme, but here it becomes significant to specify the reasons which are forcing to have some
in-service education programme for teachers. Different Educationists have emphasized differnt
reasons for it.
The University Education Commission (1949) under lined the need of in-service teacher education
in these words–“It is extra-ordinary that our school teachers learn all of whatever subject they teach
before reaching the age of 24 or 25 and then all their further education is left to experiences which
is another name for stagnation. We must realize that experiment before reaching its fullness and the
teachers to keep alive and fresh become a learner from time to time.
The Secondary Education Commission report has highlighted importance of in-service education
in these words–“However excellent the programme of teacher training may be, it does not by itself
produce an excellent teacher.
Education of the educators continues all throughout his professional career in a planned
3.1.3 Aims, Objectives and Purpose of In-service Education for Teacher
In-service education programme is undoubted a significant programme, aiming at the continuous
development of teachers in the desired direction.
Following are the chief objectives of in service education for teachers.
1. To provide incentive to the teachers to function more efficiently.
2. To help teachers to know their problems and to solve them by pooling their reasources and
3. To help teachers to employ more effective methods of teaching.
4. To help teacher to get acquainted with modern techniques in education.
5. To broaden the mental outlook of teachers.
6. To upgrade the teacher knowledge and understanding of the contents.
7. To increase the professional efficiency of the teacher.
Indian Teacher Education Committee has specified the following objectives of in-service education
1. To help the teacher educators to upgrade the teacher education programme and to lead in
the organization and development of edcuation.