P. 64
Teacher Education
Notes • Greater importance to pedagogical inputs
• Specialize in only one subject
6.3.2 Structure–II
As suggested for + 2 stage vocational stream
• All the components of structure 1
• Trainees for the vocational stream
• Work experience programmes
6.3.3 Structure –III
Importance to pedagogical theory and general methods of teaching to college teachers
• Teaching Skills.
• Perpetuates objectives to individual and social development.
• To generate teaching culture
6.5 Stages of Structure of Teacher Education
1. Teacher education at pre-primary, primary, junior, secondary, and collegiate stages.
2. M.Ed., i.e. teahcer edcuation for those who have completed L.T. or B.Ed. course.
3. M.Phil., i.e., teacher education for those who have passed M.Ed. course. It is also called M.Phil.
or pre-Ph.D. course.
4. This is innovation stage. After having completed M.Phil. course, each individual student is
expected to select some educaitonal problem and present it in the form of a thesis for Ph.D.
There should be a complete overhauling of the system. The college lecturers appointed to teach
Teacher Education should be well qualified, cultured and having professional qualities.
(a) M.Ed. Course: From the present theoretical course for M.Ed. Methodology of Educational Research
and dissertationl have already been incorporated in M.Phil. courses. Some other topic such as
philosophy, psychology and guidance are already in B.Ed. courses. Therefore, for structuring a new
course, a few new topic should be added.
(b) M.Phil. Course: Those who have passed B.Ed. or B.Phil. may be given admission to M.Phil.
whose structure should be as follows:
(i) Teaching Skills: Understanding about the relative importance of core skills and special skills
deep knowledge about behaviour modification, capability of identifyin (problem) analyzing
and solving skills.
(ii) Teaching Objectives: To provide command over such vital topics as 1. Teacher Educaiton, 2.
Research Methodology and Tools 3. Educational Organization and Education Administration,
4. Desining the Curriculum, and 5. Specialization in any Field of Education .
(iii) Teaching Culture: It may include postering creativity, social understanding, inclulcation of
leardership traits, magnetism, progressive attitude and faith in the worth of teaching.
(c) Ph.D. Stage: Scholars may select some significatnt problem and present its solution after collecting
a data and interpreting it statistically. Following suggestions may be made in this connection.
(i) Practial problem related to teacher educaiton must be given priority.
6.6 Curriculum for Teacher Education Programme at College Level
The implications of the paradigm shift for curricula in institution of higher education in general and
Teacher Education in particular are far reaching . Humanities curriculum of the past has undergone
progressive diversification in order to meet contemporary needs courses in science and technology,
business and commerce have been directly or indirectly located with in the curriculum of arts.
Commerce and science courses have become more holistic.