P. 101

Unit 13: Mentally Retarted: Definition, Types, Characteristics

            Classification of Mental Retardation                                                     Notes
            Children with mental retardation show no physical problem but may be slow in instructions. Their
            performance in class is affected by their delayed development. The observable behaviours that will
            help the teacher in identifying such children are given in the checklist given below.
            (1) Displays poor academic achievements constantly. (2) Relies too much on presentation of concrete
            objects. (3) Has short attention span ? (4) Displays short term memory. (5) Has a poor self-image ? (6)
            Lacks self confidence. (7) Has restricted communication ? (8) Seeks repetition and practices. (9) Does
            not take any initiative in group activities ? (10) Often inattentive and distracted.
            Self Assessment
            1. Fill in the blanks:
               (i) The children with .............. lack in mental development and possess less I.Q. is less than 75
                  but more than 50.
              (ii) The psychological classification of mental retardation on the level of ................ .
              (iii) The various classifications provide an understanding of the level at which the mentally retarted
                  persons functions with respect to his ..................., appropriate .............. and degree of the

            13.2 Types of Mentally Retarted Children

            There are different methods of classification of mental retardation. The medical classification is based
            on the cause, the psychological classification on the level of intelligence, and the education classification
            on the current level of intelligence, and the educational classification on the current level of functioning
            of the mentally retarded person/child. The proportion of children who fall under the various categories
            of mental retardation are depicted below.
                (1)  Mild Retarded (89%)             (2)  Moderate Retarded (67%)
                (3)  Severe Retarded (35%)           (4)  Profound Retarded (15%)
            The classification of mentally retarded children has been given in the following table with reference
            to Medical, Educational and Psychological.
            Clinical Classification of MR Children
            There are six categories of clinical type of MR children :
                (1)  Simple types                    (2)  Mongolism (Down’s Syndrome)
                (3)  Microcephaly                    (4)  Hydrocephaly
                (5)  Travmatic Amentia               (6)  Cretinism (Thyroid Deficiency)
                                Classification of Mentally Retarded Children
                 Medical                  Educational        Wechsler        Standard Binet
            1. Infections and Intoxication  1. Educable-IQ 60–85  1. Mild IQ 55–69  IQ-52-67
            2. Trauma or physical agent  2. Trainable-IQ 30–59  2. Moderate IQ 40-54  IQ-36-51
            3. Metabolism or Nutrition  3. Custodial-IQ    3. Severe IQ 25-39  IQ–20–35
                                        Below 30
            4. Grossbrain disease                          4. Profound IQ     IQ-20-35
              (Post natal)                                   Below 25
            5. Unknown prenatal influence
            6. Chromosomal anomaly
            7. Gestational disorder

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