P. 158

Special Education

                   Notes          Slow Learner Children: Research has shown that specific reading disabilities (dyslexia) are seen in
                                  about 10-12 percent of school-sense children who are intellectually normal. They have a poor sense of
                                  self-esteem and some children show signs of mild depression. They have adequate vision; but their
                                  reading ability is retarded. Usually this disability is more pronounced in the boy than in girls. Very
                                  often, these children show signs of tension in habitual manipulation of body parts, and aggressive
                                  behaviour. These children can memories will, often spell words or numbers without working what
                                  they are spelling or having a 'numbers-sense."
                                  Self Assessment
                                  1. Fill in the blanks:
                                     (i) Backward child is one whose educational quotient is .................... or below.
                                     (ii) The ................. are anti-social behaviour children who are at the lower extreme ends of normal
                                        distribution of social tract.
                                    (iii) The mental age backward child is smaller than his .............................. age.
                                    (iv) The children who are delinquents below the age of eighteen years are known ............... .
                                     (v) The major area of backwardness is the intelligence, their ................... is less than average.

                                  22.4 Meaning and Definition of Delinquent Children
                                  It is difficult to define the term 'delinquency' comprehensively and universally because it has wide
                                  coverage of anti-social behaviour that varies time to time, place to place, cultural, social and political
                                  conditions of particular conditions. It may be stated that the child who violates the social normal and
                                  values, is called delinquent.
                                  These offences are said to be criminal actions when committed by a person beyond the age handled
                                  by juvenile courts. Cyril Burt, in his book revealed, "A child is said to be regarded technical as a
                                  delinquent, when his anti-social tendencies appear so grave that he becomes or ought to be become
                                  the subject of official action." There are some definitions of deliquent child given below :
                                  "A child who deviates from the social norms of behaviour, is called delinquent children."
                                  "A delinquent is one who behaves against social norms breaks, laws, creates indiscipline in school or
                                  other institutions of disobey the rules. His immoral behaviour is considered not so serious that he
                                  should be considered a culprit juvenile courts look into his illegal behaviour."
                                                                                                -Education Dictionary
                                  "A child is technically delinquent when his antisocial tendencies appear so grave that he becomes or
                                  ought to become the subject of official action."  -Cyril Burt
                                  "Delinquency may be defined as anti-social behaviour."                -Head field
                                  "Delinquency implies from anti-social behaviour involving personal and social disorganization."
                                  "Delinquency, like aggressive behaviour in general, can understood as aggressive, hostile bahaviour
                                  or culturally acquired way of life."                -Telford and Sawrey
                                  "A child, who breaks the law, is way ward, habitually disobedient or who behaves in away hat
                                  endagests the health or moral of himself or other who attempt to enter the marriage relation without
                                  the consent of his parents, is called delinquent."
                                  The term 'delinquency' has been defined and explained by experts of different disciplines-
                                  psychologists, sociologists biologists, lawyers and experts of mental health and hygiene.
                                  (1) According to Biologists: The accounts for anti-social behaviour as rising from organic or
                                  pathological factors located in the nervous system of an individual. The delinquent cannot adjust to
                                  social environment. Biologists emphasize the genetically basis of delinquency.
                                  (2) According to Mental hygienists: The delinquency is the expression of an individual needs and
                                  his mental ailments. He cannot gratify his needs by socially acceptable behaviour due to his

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