P. 4


                                                  «ÚÙ∂Ù «√º«÷¡≈

                                               SPECIAL EDUCATION

        «√«÷¡≈ÊΔ¡ª ˘ ÔØ◊ ω≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘À:

               A.      «ÚÙ∂Ù «√º«÷¡≈ Á∂ «¬«Â‘≈«√’ «ÁÃÙ‡Δ’Ø‰ È≈Ò «√º«÷¡≈ÊΔ¡ª ˘ Ú≈«’¯ ’Ú≈¿∞‰≈Õ
               B.      «√º«÷¡≈ÊΔ¡ª «Úº⁄ √≈∂ ◊À-Ó≈Ó±ÒΔ ¡Â∂ ¿∞È∑ª Á∂ ¡≥Â √≥Ï≥˪ ÁΔ √Ófi Ï≈∂ «◊¡≈È Á∂ «Ú¡≈Í’ Á≈¡∂ «Úº⁄ Ú≈Ë≈ ’È≈ ‘ÀÕ
               C.      «√º«÷¡≈ÊΔ¡ª ˘ Ì≈ «Úº⁄ «ÚÙ∂Ù «√º«÷¡≈ «Úº⁄ «ÚË≈È’ ¡Â∂ ÔØ‹È≈Úª ˘ √Ófi‰ Á∂ √ÓºÊ ω≈¿∞‰≈ ‘ÀÕ
        Objectives :
        To enable the learners to :
               1.      To acquaint the learner with the historical perspective of special education
               2.      To promote in the learner an extensive purview of the knowledge about all exceptionalities and comprehend
                       their inter-relatedness
               3.      To enable the learner to understand the policies and legislation in special Education in India.

                    Sr. No.                                 Content

                       1     Special Education: Concept , Nature, Objectives, Need , Scope & Types
                       2     Physically challenged: definition, types, characteristics, Identification,
                             causes, problems of Physically challenged, Preventions and teaching

                       3     Visually impaired: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,

                             problems of Visually impaired, Prevention and teaching strategies
                       4     Speech and Hearing impaired: definition, types, characteristics,

                             Identification, causes, problems of Speech and Hearing impaired,
                             Preventions and teaching strategies

                       5     Mentally retarded: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,
                             problems of Mentally retarded, Preventions and teaching strategies

                       6     Learning disabilities: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,
                             problems of Learning disabilities, Prevention and teaching strategies

                       7     Gifted children: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,
                             problems of Gifted children, teaching strategies
                       8     Backward and delinquent children: definition, types, characteristics,

                             Identification, causes, problems of Backward and delinquent children,
                             Preventions and teaching strategies
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