P. 153
Unit 12: Doctor Faustus: Detailed Analysis of Seven Deadly Sins
Examples: FAUSTUS. I charge thee to return and change thy shape,
Thou art too ugly to attend on me;
FAUSTUS: Come, I think hell’s a fable.
Thinkest thou that Faustus is so fond to imagine
That after this life there is any pain?
Tush, these are trifles and mere old wives’ tales.
In these examples, Doctor Faustus clearly regards himself on a higher level than hell and its devils.
He will allow Mephastophilis to be his “servant”, but only in a more becoming shape, even though
it is Mephastophilis that brings Faustus his magic. Furthermore, despite Mephastophilis’ warnings,
Faustus is oblivious to the dangers about him; he believes nothing will or can happen to him. It is
the notion of near superhuman power that Faustus possesses that creates this unmovable pride.
Faustus believes he is all-knowing; if anything was wrong, he would perceive it.
The arrogance that hinders Doctor Faustus’ judgment continues as the play progresses, and it is
depicted in several scenes. Faustus wishes to visit the Pope, as he feels he is entitled, and during
this encounter in which Faustus is invisible, he grabs and important dish meant to be given to the
It is the extreme pride of Doctor Faustus that leads him to believe that he is more deserving of the
special dish than the Pope. Faustus also reacts in the same manner with the horse-courser. Instead
of selling his horse made of magic for a fair price, he insists on more money than the courser can
afford. Throughout the play, Marlowe combines these shameful displays of pride with several
interventions between Faustus and the Good and Evil Angels. During these encounters, Faustus is
asked and given the chance to repent to receive God’s forgiveness and release from his contract
with Lucifer. However, he reacts negatively to the Good Angel’s advice and is tempted by the Evil
Angel’s persuasions of worldly possessions and power, to maintain his pact with Lucifer.
Despite his agreement with the devil, Faustus is a free individual. However, Faustus was too stubborn
and overcome by his pride to realize his freedom, and therefore does not repent. He is again
unconcerned with the fate that lies ahead of him. He believes himself to be so powerful that there is
no pain in hell capable of harming him.
The level of pride that Faustus contains at the end of the play is still abundant, and at this point, it
is too late for him. In his last words, Faustus finally realizes the terrible fate upon him and admits
his vulnerability asking for mercy on his soul, but only to lessen the pain of hell.
Examples: FAUSTUS: O God, if thou wilt not have mercy on my soul,
Yet for Christ’s sake, whose blood hath ransomed me,
Impose some end to my incessant pain:
Let Faustus live in hell a thousand years,
A hundred thousand, and at last be saved
With the closing of the play as Doctor Faustus is sent to hell, there are many ironic details evident.
The main one is that despite his great knowledge and power, Faustus makes the most unwise
decision. Repenting to Mephastophilis instead of God, he gives up everything for nothing in return.
In all his years with his new knowledge and power. He did nothing of significance; he merely
played tricks and showed off his new talents. Marlowe’s play is full of irony depicting the downfall
of man riddled with sin. The underlying theme however is that, like Icarus and Lucifer, Doctor
Faustus allows his pride, a key to most tragedies, to become excessive and ultimately it is his downfall.