P. 71

Unit 7:  Amitav Ghosh: Shadow Lines—Narrative Techniques

          stage arrives the reader is catapulted to different places and times at breath taking tempo. The  Notes
          past, present and future combine and melt together erasing any kind of line of demarcation. Such
          lines are present mainly in the shadows they cast. There is no point of reference to hold on to.
          Thus the going away - the title of the first section of the novel - becomes coming home - the title
          of the second section. These two titles could easily have been exchanged. The narrator is very
          much like the chronicler Pimen in Pushkin’s drama Boris Godonow. But unlike Pushkin’s Pimen
          this one is not a passive witness to all that happens in his presence, and absence. The very soul of
          the happenings, he is the comma which separates yet connects the various clauses of life lived in
          Calcutta, London, Dhaka and elsewhere.
          The story starts about thirteen years before the birth of the narrator and ends on the night preceding
          his departure from London back to Delhi. He spends less than a year in London, researching for
          his doctorate work, but it is a London he knew very well even before he puts a step on its
          pavements. Two people have made London so very real to him - Tridib, the second son of his
          father’s aunt, his real mentor and inspirer, and Ila his beautiful cousin who has travelled all over
          the world but has seen little compared to what the narrator has seen through his mental eye.
          London is also a very real place because of Tridib’s and Ila’s friends - Mrs. Price, her daughter
          May, and son Nick. Like London comes alive due to the stories related by Ila and Tridib, Dhaka
          comes alive because of all the stories of her childhood told to him by his incomparable grandmother
          who was born there. The tragedy is that though the narrator spends almost a year in London and
          thus has ample opportunity to come to terms with its role in his life, it is Dhaka which he never
          visits that affects him most by the violent drama that takes place on its roads, taking Tridib away
          as one of its most unfortunate victims. Violence has many faces in this novel - it is as much present
          in the marriage of Ila to Nick doomed to failure even before the “yes” word was spoken, as it is
          present on the riot torn streets of Calcutta or Dhaka. But the speciality of this novel is that this
          violence is very subtle till almost the end. When violence is dealt with, the idea is not to describe
          it explicitly like a voyeur but to look at it to comprehend its total senselessness.
          1. Choose the correct options:
              (i) The Shadow Lines is the story of the ............... .
                 (a) War                             (b) Family and Friend
                 (c) Politics                        (d) None of these
             (ii) The story starts about ............... .
                 (a) Fifteen years before the birth of the Narrator
                 (b) Thirteen years before the birth of the Narrator
                 (c) After the assassinations of Indira Gandhi
                 (d) None of these
             (iii) Mrs. Price is the daughter of ............... .
                 (a) May                             (b) Nick
                 (c) Tridib                          (d) None of these.

          7.2 Summary

          •   The story revolves around the narrator’s search to find out about Tridib’s death which the
              family wants to forget but the narrator cannot because Tridib was his mentor and had given
              him ‘words to travel in’ and ‘eyes to see them with’. Through Tridib, the narrator learns using
              his imagination with precision. The novel also gives us the views of the various characters like
              Tha’mma, Ila, May, Jethamoshai and Robi and what boundaries mean to each of them.

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