P. 80
Indian Writings in Literature
Notes • A poignant tale of a sari shop its customers and more importantly the salesmen and their
lives. Ramchand is a timid young man who goes about doing his job quietly and trying to
fulfill his dead parents’ ambition of learning English. He buys books to teach himself English
and feels he has died and gone to heaven when he is sent to the Kapoor Mansion to hawk
saris. Alas! He also sees the wretchedness that is his co-worker Chander’s life. Tragedy
makes him erupt into an angry young man but only till his anger is dissipated - a few days
and life is back to ‘normal.”
8.3 Key-Words
1. Lampoon : Satirize, a speech or text criticizing someone or something in this way: “does
this sound like a lampoon of student life
2. Poignant : Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret: “a poignant reminder”, Keenly felt:
“the sensation was most poignant in winter”.
8.4 Review Questions
1. Explain Rupa Bajwa as a novelist.
2. Briefly introduce Sari Shop by Rupa Bajwa.
Answers: Self-Assessment
1. (i)(a) (ii)(d) (iii)(b) (iv)(c)
8.5 Further Readings
1. Bajwa, Rupa. 2004. The Sari Shop. New Delhi: Penguin.
2. Johnson, Harry M. An Introduction to Sociology.
3. Khushwant Singh. 2004. This Above All. The Tribune.
4. Lodge & Wood. 2003. Modern Criticism & Theory. Pearson Education.
5. Rege, Sharmila. 2003. Sociology of Gender. New Delhi: Sage Publications.