P. 406


                  Notes          introspection. As Bierwisch says, ‘all semantic structure might finally be reduced to components
                                 representing the basic dispositions of the cognitive and perceptual structure of the human organism’.
                                 Whereas other semantic approaches regard the meanings of lexical items as unanalysable or
                                 undefinable wholes, this approach defines the meaning of a lexical element explicitly in terms of
                                 semantic components.
                                 These components or categories are not a part of vocabulary of the language itself, but rather
                                 theoretical elements ‘postulated in order to describe the semantic relationship between the lexical
                                 elements of a given language.’ These components are connected again by ‘logical constants.’ For
                                 example, Bierwisch’s following analysis :
                                 1. boy : ANIMATE and HUMAN and MALE and NOT ADULT.
                                 2. girl : ANIMATE and HUMAN and FEMALE and NOT ADULT.
                                 3. Man : ANIMATE and HUMAN and MALE and ADULT.
                                 4. Woman : ANIMATE and HUMAN and FEMALE and ADULT.
                                 A system of such explicitly defined lexical elements, as suggested by Bierwisch, might be supplemented
                                 by a set of implicational rules of the following type :
                                 1. HUMAN         ANIMATE
                                 2. MALE          not FEMALE
                                 3. FEMALE        not MALE
                                 4. MALE          ANIMATE
                                 5. FEMALE        ANIMATE
                                 These implicational rules automatically complete a redundancy free entry like the (la) to its fully
                                 specified (lb)
                                 la.boy : HUMAN and FEMALE and not ADULT.
                                 lb. boy : ANIMATE and HUMAN and MALE and not FEMALE and not ADULT.
                                 ‘Rules of this type’, remarks Bierwisch, ‘not only simplify the necessary dictionary specifications;
                                 they also express relevant generalization about the semantic structure of the vocabulary described’.
                                 Semantic Features
                                 Within generative-transformational theory meaning is studied through semantic features where
                                 the deep syntactic structures of a sentence and the meaning of words used in that structure
                                 together represent the total meaning of the sentence. Features mention the permissible relationships
                                 among words. For example, in the following sentences :
                                         That’s a fond hope
                                         The house remained empty
                                         The cat died
                                         The man spoke
                                 a linguist may chose to assign at least the following semantic features to the nouns :
                                         [hope ]       house  ]      [cat  ]        [man ]
                                         [+noun ]      [+noun ]      [+noun ]       [+noun ]
                                         [—concrete ]  [+concrete ]  [+concrete ]   [+concrete ]
                                         <—animate>    <—animate>    <+animate>     <+animate ]
                                         [—human ]     [—human ]     [—human ]      [+human ]
                                         [—count ]     [+count ]     [+count ]      [+count ]
                                         [—definite ]  [+definite ]  [+definite ]   [+definite ]

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