P. 11

Unit 1: Sets and Numbers

          Now, suppose that the Universal set X is given as                                     Notes
                                    X = {1, 2, 3, 4,  }
                                    S = {1, 2, 3}
          is a subset of X. Consider a subset of X whose elements do not belong to S. This set is (4, 2}.

          Such, a set, as you know is called the complement of S.
          We define the complement of a set as follows:
          Definition 2: Complement of a Set
          Let X be the Universal set and S be a subset of X. The complement of the set S is the set of all those
          elements of the Universal set X which do not belong to S. It is denoted by S.
          Thus, if S is an arbitrary set contained in the Universal Set X, then the complement of S is the set
                                   S  = {x:x S}.
          Associated with each set S is the Power set P(S) of S consisting of all the subsets of S. It is written
                                  P(S) = {A : A  S).
          Now try the following exercise.
          Let us consider the sets S and T given as
                                    S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, T = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}.

          Construct a new set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Note that all the elements of this set have been taken from
          S or T such that no element of S and T is left out. This new set is called the union of the sets S and
          T and is denoted by S  T.

                                 S  T = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
          Again let us construct another set {3, 4, 5). This set consists of the elements that are common to
          both S and T i.e. a set whose elements are in both S and T. This set is called the intersection of S
          and T. It is denoted by S  T. Thus
                                 S  T = {3, 4, 5).
          These notions of Union and Intersection of ‘two sets’ can be generalized for any sets in the
          following way: Note, all the sets under discussion will be treated as subsets of the Universal set
          Definition 3: Union of Sets

          Let S and T be given sets. The collection of all elements which belong to S or T is called the union
          of S and T. It is expressed as
                                 S  T = {x : x S or x T}.
          Note that when we say that x  S or x  T, then it means that x belong to S or x belong to T or x
          belong to both S and T.
          Definition 4: Intersection of Sets
          The intersection S  T of the sets S and T is defined to be the set of all those elements which
          belong to both S and T i.e.

                                 S  T = {x : x S and x T}.

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